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"harry chill, there is nothing going on between liam and i." zayn says for the third time since this out of the blue argument started. he was hanging with liam after they had finished smoking together and harry came out of nowhere, cussing at liam and dragging zayn away all the while accusing him of messing around with liam.

zayn was so confused. first of all liam wasn't even gay, second, why would he even want to mess around with liam? of all people, liam? his best friend since forever? that was just stupid and insane. zayn wouldn't ever do anything to potentially make things between he and liam awkward or ruin their friendship. zayn knew better than that. not that he would fool around with anyone else while he was with Harry anyways, so he didn't know where this sudden accusation came from and why harry was acting this way. he was starting to get highly agitated at this.

"yeah it surely looked like nothing." harry spat, as he and zayn walked down a quiet sidewalk that lead to the basketball court. zayn rolled his eyes shrugging his shoulders, looking straight ahead at the guys who were at the basketball court shooting hoops, trying to block out harry's nagging voice. but then he felt a tug on his arm and immediately his eyes averted to harry who looked like an angry cartoon bull with smoke coming from his ears. "are you even listening or are you checking out more guys to fuck with?" harry says, obviously referring to the random guys playing around on the court.

"what the fuck is your deal h? what i can't look at a single person without you thinking i'm planning to fuck em?" zayn replies angrily. he suddenly wishes he was playing basketball so he could "accidentally" hit harry in the face with a basketball. but no, zayn was a gentleman, he wouldn't hurt harry... physically.

"i dunno you tell me. every time i even touch one of my guy friends you blow a fuse." harry says rolling his eyes. which wasn't completely a lie, zayn did get a little possessive at times, but that's every boyfriend.

"yeah because you're too dumb to see what they actually want from you." harry punches zayn's arm and pushes him away glaring at him.

"don't call me dumb asshole."

zayn clenches his jaw refraining from hitting harry back, "then stop acting like you are and cut this bullshit. i'm not fucking anybody but you."

"then stop giving me reasons to believe you are." harry scoffs.

"oh fuck off, you're just fucking paranoid." zayn says, walking ahead of harry as they near the fence to the basketball court. the bell rang about a minute ago and everyone was heading back to class, though harry and zayn couldn't care less, they were in their own world at the moment.

"i'm not paranoid, you're a dick."

"you are. you constantly accuse me of fucking around, when you know that shit isn't true. maybe you're the one that's fucking around, who knows? maybe my dick isn't enough for you." zayn growls. harry froze while zayn stopped and turned to look at him when he heard harry's footsteps halt. then he crosses his arms eyeing harry. "what? did i hit a nerve?" harry looks up, glaring daggers at zayn.

"i can't believe you would think that."

"exactly my thoughts every time you accuse me of the same shit."

"you know what fuck this." harry says and turns away starting to walk back towards the school.

"no fuck you!" zayn calls after him. harry flips him off and storms back into the school, leaving zayn to sigh and lean against the fence. he was so sick of being accused of fooling around with other people, he was sick of harry always getting mad at stupid shit and he was sick of arguing. he was sick of everything.

but he wasn't sick enough to leave.


"oh harryyyy." louis calls to his friend who is lying on his bed like a dead body. school ended over an hour ago and louis was hanging out with harry at his house. it was more so like hanging out with himself since harry was barely even paying attention to him and barely said anything. he and zayn had not spoken the rest of the day at school and still no phone call, no text. harry kinda wanted to grab the closest object and figure out a way to strangle himself with it.

he knew he fucked up for once against accusing zayn, and yeah maybe he was a bit paranoid. but who wouldn't be? when you're dating the hottest fucking thing in the entire school who every slut wants fuck, and every guy would kill to look like and maybe even fuck as well. of course he was gonna be paranoid about people hitting on him and trying to get him in bed, despite knowing he is obviously taken. people did not give a fuck rather zayn was taken. they'd probably fuck him and tell harry straight to his face the next day that zayn had an amazing dick. because in this world and especially at his school no one give a crap about anybody's feelings.

and it didn't help him any when louis was putting shit in his head that zayn may or may not be fucking his best friend. harry's mind was already on edge and of course louis had to open his big mouth and make harry freak out. he swears louis is like thirty eight percent of his and zayn's arguments, while he and liam are the other sixty two percent that make up the rest. louis gets up and crawls onto the bed next to harry. "earth to harry." he says as he snaps his fingers in front of the lad's face.

"what." harry answers, his face buried in his pillow making his voice sound muffled.

"what's up with you?"

"i'm an idiot that's what." harry groans. louis rolls his eyes and pats harry's back.

"stop sulking it's not a good trait for you. or maybe it is?" louis jokes, but harry just stares at him blankly with the eye that's not smashed into his pillow. louis sighs. "never mind then."

harry groans and sits up, the right side of his red from being squished into the pillows. "lou, why am i such a bitch?"

"i dunno ask your mum." louis laughs. harry clenches his teeth.

"i'm not joking louis."

"okay fine. sorry for trying to cheer you up."

"louis i messed up... again. he's mad at me, what do i do?" harry asks, pushing his hair from his face. louis shrugs and stands up from the bed.

"talk to him. i'm sure you'll make up, like you guys always do."

"but what if it's different this time? what if he wants to break up?" louis burst out laughing and walks over to where harry's laptop that is on his desk.

"like that'll happen. if he wanted to break up, that would have taken place long ago. you two are basically mike and ike, ike is not complete without mike." louis says. harry laughs at that, although it comes out as forced.

"i guess, but what if one day mike doesn't need ike anymore?"

"then mike is stupid because without ike, m is nothing but another letter." louis says. he and harry laugh and harry feels kinda better now. he leans over and grabs his phone unlocking it and quickly tapping onto zayn's contact and typing in a text to him.

to zain: babe, can we talk pls ?


yes i know i spelled zayn as zain lol.

and for those of you that don't know what mike and ike is, it's candy. (gross in my opinion) but loved by many lmao but everybody knows, mike isn't the same without his ike lol

but no seriously, few years ago i saw a flipping commercial about mike and ike breaking up lmao. not that i care because that candy is disgusting and makes my stomach sick.

love y'all. xox

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