It's Love When It Burns (Part Two of You Will Be The Death of Me) Ch 1

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Authors Note:

Okay, so this in the intro to the second part of You Will Be The Death of Me. I will be posting the next chapter in a few days. Also I am going to try and write only in first person with Leianna since this story is going to mainly focus on what's going on inside her head.


I took the cloth and wiped the dust from the old wooden shelf. Lifting my feet up till I was almost on just my toes, I blew a heavy breath of air to clear what the cloth managed to leave behind. I run my finger over the old wood and then lift it to see if it was clean.

Not the smallest hint of dust could be found. I smile and reach down for one of the many items that needed to be put on the shelf. Since I didn't want to step all the way back down, I take out my wand.

"Wingardium Leviosa," I say as I point the end of my wand. The item, god only knew what, floated up in the air and I reach for it. As I did I lean a little too far causing the ladder to tilt.

"Ahhh..." I gasp as it begins to slope all the way down. I close my eyes and brace myself for a hard landing. Instead I feel a hand reach out and grab my waist securely pulling me to them.

My eyes snap open and immediately I see a smiling Fred looking back at me.

"Seriously Leianna, are you really that clumsy?"

I narrow my eyes and a smile appears on my face, "No, I consider myself a little uncoordinated," I reply as I dust my hands off.

He chuckles, "Means the same."

"Well I think uncoordinated sounds better," I retort.

"What are you two arguing about now?" George asks before Fred could respond. He walks down the stairs to where Fred and I are standing.

"You girlfriend almost gave the floor a kiss Georgie," Fred explains, "That is until I saved her."

I snap back to my current situation and I roll my eyes, "Oh my hero," I state sarcastically as I reach out and touch Fred's shoulder, "What would I ever do without you?"

George lets out a laugh and Fred look over at me with a grin plastered on his face.

"You would be just fine, you still have me," George says coming up beside me, throwing his arm over my shoulder.

"Yes I do," I say leaning in to him, "Sorry Fred you are no longer my knight in shining armor," I state.

"I am offended," Fred says placing his hand over his heart, "I shall search somewhere else for my beautiful fair lady."

I could stop myself from laughing, "You're such a weirdo," I say as I reach out and tap his shoulder lightly.

Just then Angelina Johnson walks into the shop and Fred's attention was no longer with us.

"Go on lover boy," George says jokingly causing his brothers face to turn a dark shed.

He doesn't reply to George but only walks away to where Angelina was standing.

"You embarrassed him," I tell George as I slap his arm.

"Well he has been bugging us all summer, plus he's my twin, I'm genetically inclined to tease him."

I let out a light laugh, "You have a point."

As he stared at me he looked over my shoulder. I watched as his eyes took in the surrounding.

"It's going to be great isn't it?" he asks me.

I look away from him around at the shop that we were repairing.

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