It's Love When It Burns Ch 10

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"Leianna, will you please set the table, I have no clue where Ginny has run off to," Molly says to me as I walked into the kitchen. She looked rather wore out from all the housework she had done today.

"Sure Molly," I reply as I walk over to where I knew she kept her dinner plates at. I reach up into the cupboard and took out enough plate for everyone and brought them over to the dining table.

"How's school going?" she asks me as she began bringing over the food that was done cooking.

"Good so far," I reply giving her a quick smile.

"And how's your grades?" she continues giving me a stern look.

I almost wanted to laugh at how her motherly instincts have now taken over. In ways I enjoyed her concern for me, it was something I missed.

"They're good Molly, thanks for asking," I tell her with a soft laugh.

I finished sitting the last plate then I make my way over to get the silver ware.

"That's good to hear, keep it up," she tells me as she walks back over to the stove.

"I will," I assure her. I make my way back over to the table and begin sitting the forks and spoons where they were supposed to.

"What's that smell, did you burn the food again mum?" I hear George's voice say as he came through the doorway.

Out of instinct I look over at him. He was leaning against the frame eying his mother with a wide grin on his face.

"No, that would be the stew on the stove, now run along and leave me be," she fussed as she shooed him.

"Fine I will," he says holding his hands out, "But I came to get my girlfriend," he finishes as his eyes then turns to me.

"Leianna, go on dear," Molly's says, "If it gets him out of my kitchen and I don't have to hear his comments then you are free to go."

"Are you sure, I don't mind to help," I state as I walk over to her.

"You've done enough," she replies, "Now run along, I will call for you when everything is done."

I nod and turn. Both George and I make our way out of the kitchen and towards the living room. Once I was a good distance away I look over at George with a knowing smile on my face.

"What?" he asks acting as if he doesn't know why I am grinning at him.

"You know what," I say accusingly, "You did that on purpose, to get me with you," I explain making him smile.

"I don't know what you are talking about, I was just being honest with mum," he says trying to be blameless.

"You are so full of it George," I tell him shaking my head. I walk into the living room that was empty, which was kind of rare.

"Where is everyone?" I ask looking around.

Instead of replying to me George grabs me and wraps his arms loosely around my waist. I lay my head back on his chest and close my eyes.

I wanted to cherish the moment, while we were alone because I didn't know when the next time it will be again. But instead my mind went elsewhere.

For some reason, and I curse myself for it, my mind drifts to Draco and what happened in the room of requirements.

I couldn't help but think if he was the one holding me like this I would be feeling a whole different way.

I shake the thought way, I shouldn't be thinking about him like that, especially since I was still in George's arms.

It's Love When It Burns (Part Two of You Will Be The Death of Me)Where stories live. Discover now