It's Love When It Burns Ch 5

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Draco cursed himself as he walked back to his compartment which was just for the Slytherin students. He was angry at himself, he knew better than to act the way he had. Why he mentioned the fact he told her he still wanted her. It was a stupid move, a move he should have known better than to make.

With a sigh he opens the door and walks inside. Immediately Parkinson ambushes him.

"Draco, we were beginning to worry, what took you so long?" she asks rising from her seat.

Draco walks over and sits across from Blaise, right next to Pansy ignoring the fact she was still standing. She hesitantly sits back down, trying to hide her blush.

"I had a bit of a delay," he replies not really wanting to go to any details.

"That delay wouldn't happen to be a specific Gryffindor now would it?" Blaise asks him.

Draco looks towards him but says nothing.

"Ahhh, so I guessed correctly then," Blaise says smugly, "I couldn't blame you though, even for a Gryffindor she looks rather astonishing this year."

Draco wanted to reach across and punch him, he didn't like Blaise talking about her and especially about her looks. However he only reacted calmly, hiding what he really wanted to do.

"Blaise, I find it hard to believe you said that, after all, she is a Gryffindor."

Blaise's smile falters, "Perhaps I am getting as tainted as the rest of the Slytherins," he says, "It seems everyone is branching out to the other houses for a relationship."

Blaise adjusted his coat and sit straighter, "What about you Draco, are you looking for another relationship?"

Draco laughs lightly, "I think not, one was enough."

He glances over at Pansy who had a scowl on her face, she obviously didn't like hearing that.

Suddenly Draco hears a noise over his head and he glances up. Over him he sees his items shovel around, like they were being moved.

He lets out a frustrated sigh, his anger level rising. He looked around the compartment at the other students.

No, he didn't want to cause a scene, not yet. He looks back up at the rack, in time, he will handle the problem. He smiles and looks away, when the train stops and everyone was off, he was going to handle the situation well.



A year ago I looked up at this school nervous at what I saw. A big school, tons of students, and a sense of the unknown. Now I look at it as a home, a place to see my friends, a place that has became more known to me than I would admit.

"You okay there Leianna?" Ron asks throwing one of his arms over my shoulder.

"I'm fine Ron," I reply smiling as I bump my hip against his.

"Bet you were ready to come back, get some time away from my brother huh?"

"Sure, being around him was utter torture," I mumble.

He lets out a loud laugh, "That's."

"You're such a dork Ron," I say pushing him away from me smiling, "Get your friend Hermione, for I push him in the lake."

"Oh come on Leianna, I was only joking," he whines, "You better get use to it, since you and my brother are probably going to get married one day."

It's Love When It Burns (Part Two of You Will Be The Death of Me)Where stories live. Discover now