It's Love When It Burns Ch 8

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After having an internal battle for well over 10 minutes, I decide I would go see if I could find Draco. He had been in a fight, and it was highly unlike him to actually throw a punch. He must be more troubled than what I had initially though and even though we were no longer together, I couldn't help but be concerned. I wanted to help him.

I pass through the hallways silently, trying not to draw any attention so myself, slipping by other students, silently making my way to where I assume he would be. Once there, I close my eyes and concentrate.

Think about it.... just relax and think about it... I coach myself silently.

If you want it badly the door will appear....

I try to remember the time when Draco took me here, before we started dating. I remembered how fascinated I was.

Just as the thought left my mind I hear the sound of the doorway appearing. I snap my eyes open and watch in amazement as I did from my memory.

The entryway to the Room of Requirements finally finished appearing and I hesitantly reach out and took the handle.

Of all places in Hogwarts, I knew this was the place I could find him. This was where he told me he liked to think, and I am pretty sure this is where he will be.

With a heavy sigh I pull the handle and open the door.

I forgot how enormous and overly cluttered the room is. Everywhere I look is piled high with all different kinds of objects.

I walked slowly, glancing in every direction looking for Draco.

As I made it to the center of the room I still didn't see Draco anywhere. Perhaps I was wrong, maybe he wasn't here. Maybe I didn't know him as well as I thought.

Just to make sure I decide to climb up a small table to see if I could get a better look around the room.

I test its sabilty before I climb. It would be all I need to fall and break my neck.

Once I finally make it on top I look around. A smile creeps on my face as I find what I was looking for.

I spot Draco just a little further out. He was looking in some sort of black cabinet. A bit odd if I was to be honest.

I lean forward trying to get a better look but as I do the once, or so as I thought, sturdy table gives way.

I let out a loud scream as I lurch forwards. I felt the pain of the edges of books, loose pottery, and whatever else was in the place goes into my side, scratching my arms and I just knew I would most likely have a ton of bruises.

Once I finally come to a stop I groan as the pain really started to set in.

I decide to just lay there still, allow myself to recover.

"Leianna," I hear my name being called.

Another groan escapes my lips as I remember Draco was in here, and to be more precise, right beside me. How embarrassing.

I feel his hand on me and I nearly flinch.

He rolls me off my side and onto my back and I feel him brush my hair out of my face.

"Are you okay?"

His hand lingers on my face making me want to keep my eyes shut. I knew I would most likely the that smirk of his.

When I do decide to open my eyes, I only see concern.

"I think I am bruised from head to toe," I mumble.

It's Love When It Burns (Part Two of You Will Be The Death of Me)Where stories live. Discover now