It's Love When It Burns Ch4

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"Excuse me," I say as I push through the students on the train. It was like a mad house, especially with all the first years near the front. There was no way I would sit up here; it would be bloody torture to do so. I made my way to where the compartments were. I glance inside the first sets only to find them packed. Inside one I see a couple, the girl had her head laid on the boys shoulder as he held her.

I felt overwhelmed by the sudden feeling of being alone. Spending the summer with George, having him with me constantly had an effect on me. I look away with a sigh and continue to search for a place to sit. Every compartment seemed to be packed with students and I was almost to the end of the line.

Once I made it all the way to the last compartment another sigh escaped my lips, it was full also. I guess I was stuck sitting with the trio back towards the front. I turn on my heels and make my way back towards the front of the train. Up ahead I see the older woman with the trolley coming towards me.

"Anything from the trolley my dear?" she asks once I was in front of her.

I glance over all the sweets that were for sale before I looked back up at her, "No thank you," I say giving her a smile.

She nods then looks past me, "Anything from the trolley?"

"Yes," a voice from my past replies causing my body to stiffen.

Against my better judgment I slowly turn around. I lift my gaze up past his chest to meet his eyes which were now looking into mine.

My breath caught and I almost felt my knees go weak. Looking at him this close caused memories of the past to come flooding through my mind.

His mouth turns up into a smirk as he looks down at me, "Hello Leianna."

Again my legs turned to jelly; I should have known this would happen, going so long without seeing him and to think I was certain he would have no effect on me. Oh how I was wrong.

"Hello Draco," I manage to say in a close to normal tone.

His eyes look away from me to the trolley, "Do you have any drinks?" he asks the woman.

"Yes I do," she replies, "Let's see, how about some juice or water?"

Draco reaches into his coat pocket and takes out some coins, "Give me two waters," he says as he hands the money over.

She reaches past me and gives him his items and takes his money.

"Will you walk with me?" he asks turning his attention back to me.

No, I say inside my head, but my mouth thought differently, "Sure."

He turns and walks back down the narrow hallway. He glances into the compartments he passes then he stops in front of one.

"Hold these a second," he says to me as he holds the drinks out.

I reach out to take the drinks from his hands trying to control my nerves as I did so.

He opens the compartment door and looks at the two students inside.

"Out," he says shortly while glaring at them.

The two doesn't hesitate, the quickly gather their things and make a beeline out the door.

He then turns around me motioning to go on inside.

I go to step inside, and I avoid looking up at him as my body grazes against his. Though I didn't show it, the simple touch had my body reacting. I felt my body heat up, but I quickly mask it. That wouldn't be a good idea to show he still had somewhat of an effect on me.

It's Love When It Burns (Part Two of You Will Be The Death of Me)Where stories live. Discover now