It's Love When It Burns Chapter 30 Part 1

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Draco hadn't spoken a word since I had asked who wanted to kill me. It was as if he didn't know how to react to my question. He just stared at me, with no emotion on his face.

 I gently bend down and touch Draco's face, "Please tell me Draco, who wants to kill me?" I repeat.

I had to push him; this was the only chance for me to get my answer, while he was in such a vulnerable state.

Draco's eyes drift from mine and he exhaled a deep breath, "No one is going to hurt you Leianna."

He was avoiding answering me, like always, but I wasn't ready to give up, not yet.

"Draco, I can hear the uncertainty in your voice, how can you say that?"

Draco's eyes meet mine once more, he reaches out and brushes my hair from my face, "I will make sure he won't harm you."

The "he" cut through me, Draco had given me something not meaning to. Now I knew it was a guy, which in a way I had presumed already. I had guess as to who I thought it might be, but I couldn't be sure.

"Who is it Draco?" I ask him.


"Is it your father?" I ask bluntly, letting my own suspicion show.

"What, no..." Draco says sitting up.

"Then who," I say trying to hide my frustration, "Who is it Draco?"

His eyes stared straight into mine, "They are no one to worry about Leianna," he says dropping his hand, "Like I said, I will not let anyone hurt you."

He wasn't budging; he wasn't giving me anything else. I really didn't want to give up on pressing him for more, but I knew that I had probably gotten all I could.  At least he had slipped and told me it was a guy, that was something. And even though he denies it being his father, I still believed Lucius had something to do with the situation.

Lucius did have a grudge against me; after all I helped put him in Azkaban, so how could I not suspect him to want to take revenge out on me. This could lead to why Draco was acting the way he was.

"Leianna," Draco's voice chimes in through my thoughts.

"Hmmm?"  I ask turning my attention back to him.

He looked tired, like he was going to fall asleep any moment.

"Will you stay here with me?" he asks.

I couldn't stop the smile that formed on my lips, "Yes, I will stay."

I go to stand, to move back to the chair so he could sleep but he grabs my hand.

"Will you sit beside me?"

"I am, "I laugh motioning to the chair.

"No," he says sliding over, "Here."

I roll my eyes and sit on the edge of the bed. 

He maneuvers the cover back and throws them across me.

"I thought you said sit," I mock him.

He smiles lazily, "It wouldn't hurt for you to be more comfortable."

"Yeah, sure," I laugh as I slip down in the bed. 

Draco drops the blanket and wraps his arm around my waist pulling me against him.

My body molded flawlessly with his, each curve of our bodies fit together perfectly. I had almost forgotten about that. 

I wrap my arm around him and close my eyes and even though I wasn't tired, I found myself drifting into the most peaceful sleep I have had in a long time.


Harry's P.O.V

Harry was worried, he couldn't hide the fact any longer. It had been several hours since Leianna had gone down to the hospital wing to talk to Draco.

They had discussed what she needed to try and find, and Harry knew it shouldn't have taken her this long.

"Perhaps we should go and check on her," Ron suggests to Harry from his bed on the opposite side of the room.

Harry took it in to consideration; he laid silently debating his options.

"Maybe I should," Harry finally says as he sits up in his bed.

Ron, who was lying down, also sits up, "Do you want me to go with you?"

Harry pushes back his cover and reaches towards the nightstand to pick up his wand, "It doesn't matter, if you want to go Ron you can."

With that Ron throws back his cover also, "I think I should," he replies as he slips on his house shoes, "George would kill me if something has happened to her."

Harry nods to his best friend, "Very well."

Both boys grab their cloaks and slip them on.

"Should we wake Hermione?" Ron asks as they head towards the staircase.

"No," Harry replies quickly, "Let her sleep."

Ron only nods as he walks side by side with Harry.

"Furthermore we don't need to wake up any other students, we might get snitched on," Harry explains more.

"I understand," Ron says shortly.

They continue on out of the common room and into the hallway.

They take the staircase to the bottom floor silently and make their way towards the hospital wing.

"No one is up," Ron whispers breaking the silence.

"I know," Harry agrees, "I have never seen it the quiet."

It was true. Normally Harry would at least pass a teacher or another student, but the hallways were completely deserted.

The make it to the hospital wing and they both sneak up to the door.

"Do you see Pomfrey?" Harry asks.

Ron peaks his head up into the small office.

He kneels back down shaking his head, "No, she isn't there."

"Good," Harry says taking out his wand.

He walks over to the door, "Alohomora," he whispers.

Harry listens as the lock turns letting out a thunk signaling that the door was no longer locked.

"Let's go," he tells Ron as he reaches out and turns the knob.

"DO you know where Malfoy is?" Ron asks quietly as the pass many beds with sleeping students.

"He was in the back," Harry replies.

The almost reach the last bit of beds but Harry spots something.

Harry comes to a complete halt causing Ron to run into him.

"Hey," Ron whines as he steps around his best friend.

"What is it?" he asks Harry.

No response came so Ron follows Harry's eyes.

When they land on the bed where Draco laid, Ron couldn't help but to be shocked.

Leianna, who was his older brother's girlfriend, was laying with another guys arms around her. Not to mention there looked to be no space between her and Draco.

Ron couldn't stop the anger that ran through him.

"What is she doing?" he asks through gritted teeth.

"I don't know," Harry replies sounding just as shocked.

Ron took a step towards the bed but Harry stops him.

"Not now," he tells Ron, "Let's wait and see what she has to say in the morning."

Ron looked away from Harry back to where Leianna laid fast asleep.

"Fine," Ron says still angry. He would listen to his friend and wait till morning, but she better have a good explanation or he was going to tell George everything.

It's Love When It Burns (Part Two of You Will Be The Death of Me)Where stories live. Discover now