It's Love When It Burns Chapter 29

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I paced the floor, back and forth, over and over. My nerves were on end, I had resulted to biting my nails nervously as I waited for Harry to return.

He had some serious explaining to do, that was for sure. That spell Septa... something, was dangerous, and he should not have used it on Draco.

Anger shot through me like a knife, I was furious with Harry, he could have killed Draco. Using a spell he knew nothing about on someone, without a counter curse was intolerable.

Now Draco was in the hospital wing, with no telling how many injuries.

"Leianna, you need to calm down," Hermione says breaking the silence in the room.

I glance over to where she and Ron sat, watching me.

"Calm down?" I ask her, as I turn.

"You are telling me to calm down after what I just saw?"

"Everything is okay now, Draco is in the hosp..."

"No everything is not okay," I interrupt, "You didn't see what I saw, you didn't see Draco lying in the middle of a bathroom floor soaked in blood," I say stepping closer to them.

"You didn't see Harry cast a spell he knew nothing about, almost killing Draco... you didn't.."

"That's enough!" Ron shouts at me standing, "That's enough Leianna," he says more quietly now.

I just stare at him, growing angrier by the second, "No Ron, it's not," I say, "Take up for Harry if you want, but he was out of line."

"And you're not?" Ron counters.

"How the hell am I out of line?" I ask him.

"Acting like a love struck girl, acting this way over your ex... I'm beginning to think there is more going on with you and Draco than just finding out information," he says, "If I didn't know better, I would guess you are still seeing him on the side, kindling the old flame. I bet George would like to know..."

"I dare you!" I shout at him, "I dare you bring George into this, to turn this whole conversation into my personal life."

"No I dare you!" he yells back, but before he could finish we hear the sound of the door opening.

I turn around, no longer looking at Ron.

And as luck would have it, Harry walks through the door.

As soon as his eyes meet mine he holds up his hands, "I can explain."

The anger I was feeling, over him, over Ron, over everything began to pour out of me. I walk across the room and push him, "I dare you use a spell like that on him, on anyone!" I shout. He grabs hold of my hands fighting off my attack.

"I didn't know that would happen Leianna," he tells me, "I didn't think it would..."

"Then why did you use it?" I ask, shaking off his grip, "Why would you use a spell that you didn't know anything about?"

"I wasn't thinking," he states, "He was going to kill me Leianna, you heard what he was about to say."

I stopped, I didn't know what he was about to say. I just saw Draco coming across the room.

"He was going to kill you Harry?" Ron asks walking up next to me.

"Leianna was there, you heard him, he was going to use the Cruciatus Curse," Harry states.

Hermione gasps.

"I didn't hear it," I say honestly, "I jus..."

"Looks like Draco wasn't so innocent in the fight after all," Ron says looking over at me.

It's Love When It Burns (Part Two of You Will Be The Death of Me)Where stories live. Discover now