It's Love When It Burns Ch 3

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I step outside and I start walk to where I knew George would be.

I hug to my coat shielding the night air as I walk across the backyard towards the orchard.

As I got closer I spot George on a blanket gazing up at the sky. I quietly walk towards him trying to not make a sound.

Once I was close, I bent to the ground and I crawled over to him.

"Boo," I say once I was leaning over him.

He jumps lightly then rolls his eyes, "Bloody hell Leianna," he says covering his reddening face, "You scared me."

I giggle and roll over beside him, "Sorry love, I saw the opportunity."

He sighs and turns on his side, "Sure you did," he states, "Was it hard to get out tonight?"

"Not really, I think Ginny is rather occupied with Harry's arrival," I reply as I reach out and push his hair back.

"Yeah, I'm not sure I want to talk about my sisters crush on Harry."

I only smile as I continue to play with his hair.

He reaches up and takes my hand in his. I look from his hair to meet his eyes.

"I'm going to miss you," he says as he places a kiss on the palm of my hand.

"I'll miss you too, but we will be on break again before you know it," I say encouragingly both to me and him.

He leans closer to me and kisses me tenderly.

When our lips met I immediately started thinking about how I was going to miss this. I didn't' want to go back, I knew what was coming when I did.

I break away with my mind too busy to really be into the kiss.

I was worried about tomorrow; I wasn't ready to go back, to face Draco.

"Is everything okay?"

I shake my head, trying to stop worrying, "Yeah, I'm fine," I reply, "I was just stressing about going back to school."

He sits up and leans back on his hands, "Don't think about it," he tells me.

I turn myself and lay back on his lap, "I just wish I didn't have to go."

He smiles down at me, "You have to," he replies as he pulls himself up and starts playing with my hair.

"Leianna, are you really worrying about seeing Draco?"

I felt a little nervous by his direct question, "A little, I just wonder if he still hates me," I tell him honestly.

"I don' think he can hate you," he retorts, "I think he might still have bitter feelings about what all happened last year, but he couldn't hate you."

I look away from him a little ashamed for talking about Draco. I hated bringing him up, especially to George. It had to be weird for him, especially since he knew how close Draco and I had been.

"Let's not talk about him," I say, "I rather not think about Draco."

"I agree, lets not," George replies.

I laugh and sit up, "So what should we do now?"

He smiles and leans in towards me, "I'm sure I can think of something."

I closed the space between us meeting his lips. Out of instinct, I wrap my arms around his neck pulling him closer until there was no more space between us.

As the kiss became deeper, my grasp on reality started to fade. I let the worries of tomorrow slip form my mind and I only focused on now.

If only we could freeze time to this exact moment, to never have to move forward. I could stay here with him for eternity.

It's Love When It Burns (Part Two of You Will Be The Death of Me)Where stories live. Discover now