It's Love When It Burns Chapter 31

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"I don't see why he doesn't just let it go," I say as I look over at Ron once more.

Ron, who has witnessed Harry snogging his sister earlier, was having a hard time accepting his friend dating his sister.

"I agree," Hermione states as she glances over at him too, "Ronald!"

Ron snaps his head towards us looking rather surprised.

"Will you stop eyeing them," Hermione says to him, "For God sakes they're not going to stop dating cause of you."

"She's my sister," he replies shortly as he glances back at the happy couple, "And he's .. well Harry"

I roll my eyes and hide a smile, "Well at least it is Harry," I say, "We all know he will be good to her."

"Exactly," Hermione agrees, "And you knew it was about bloody time they got together anyways."

"I never knew," Ron retorts sitting up straight.

"That's because you're bloody blind," I mumble looking away from him to Harry and Ginny.

They were sitting in a stone window pane, laughing with their hands entwined, nothing drastic, but enough to make Ron bothered.

"Well, it's going to take some time," He mumbles.

Hermione and I both chuckle at him, "Well I think they look cute together."

I couldn't take my eyes from Harry and Ginny. The way he leaned in closer to her, whispering in her ear. It kind of left me with a sense of longing. Then memories of the other night with Draco resurface. The way he kissed me, the way I was wrapped in his arms.

I shake my head trying to clear the thoughts.

"Leianna, you okay?" Hermione asks me.

"I'm fine," I reply a little too fast, "Why don't we invite the two love birds to join us over here?"

With that, as if it were a good excuse for him to break them up, Ron jumps up and begins walking over to Harry and Ginny.

I hide a smile as he stops in front of them, causing all the hugging and kissing to stop. And not long after all three were making their way to where me and Hermione were sitting.

"Hello you two," I say smiling.

"Hi," Ginny says while pushing her red hair behind her ear.

"Hello," Harry replies delayed as he grabs up a Daily Prophet.

Ginny takes a seat beside Harry, snatching his paper.

I pick up a book that lay on the table beside me and begin looking through it.

I listen vaguely as they all chat. I catch a few words such as Death Eater, OWLS, Snape, and something about Lavendar. It wasn't until I hear Hermione mention a name that I look up.

"I told you I don't want to talk about the bloody Half-Blood Prince anymore," Harry says to her a little frustrated.

"Who is the Half- Blood Prince?" I ask curiously as I sit the book I was looking through back down.

"He's no one," Harry replies first.

"Or her, it could be a girl," Hermione corrects.

"We've been over this Hermione, I told you it's a guy," Harry says.

"It could be a girl," Hermione repeats, "More specifically the girl in the picture Harry," Hermione states.

"Will someone please tell me what they are talking about?" I say to the others.

It's Love When It Burns (Part Two of You Will Be The Death of Me)Where stories live. Discover now