♡Chapter 4♡

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"What we're you doing with Farkle in that Janitors closet, and why wouldn't you tell me." Riley states Firmly right when I get inside of her room. I look at her with fear in my eyes. I can't tell her now.
"Maya. Tell me." She says with more of a tone.
"I don't know okay Riles?...I don't know..." I say nervously but scared.
"You don't know?! How do you not know! Maya, we're best friends you can tell me anything!"
I slowly start to lose my temper just sitting there, but I stay quiet. "Maya whatever happened in there with Farkle I don't care! I won't hate you!" I get up, nearly steaming with frustration, mainly at myself but I take it out on Riley.
"No! If you really cared you would know that some things have to be kept secret Riley!" The room becomes silent. I sit down back on the bay window with my hands covering my face, rubbing my temples. Riley is slightly angry but concerned for me as well, she comes over from her bed and sits by me.
"Maya, I could pull a ring power on you right now, but I see that this is really bothering you...." She sighs. "So I wont." "But I just want you to know that whatever it is your struggling with, you can always talk to me about it."
I look at her with big eyes, nearly getting lost in hers.
"I really want to tell you....but I can't...yet." I confess.
"Why?" Riley prys slightly.
"I don't know yet. Bu-" The ping of my phone inturrupts me from finishing my sentence.
Text message
From: Farkle
"You should tell her."

Is he watching me right now?
"Farkle get your snooping ass out here." I tease, rolling my eyes. Soon enough the window opens and I hear the signature
"Ladies..." said very sly and smooth as usuall.
Riley smiles with confusion I'm her expression. "How did you know he was gonna be here?"
"He texted." I reply simply, Farkle just nods. Farkle takes in a deep breath and stands up in front of us.
"Riley, I came here to tell you something"
"But I can't tell you unless Maya tells too." He concludes inturrupting Riley.
My expression soon turns from supportive to scared.
I knew he'd make me do this.
I smile sarcastically.
"No way, not now Farkle." Riley smirks and looks at me playfully and very slowly pulls her hand up to my face.
"Ring power." She says, trying not to laugh.
"Riley!" I tease. "Fine. I guess it's now or never." I sigh. I stand up next to farkle and grab his hand, trying to relax.
"I knew it, I knew it, I knew iiiiit!" Riley shouts exitedly. "You two are a couple now!!!" I quickly retaliate.
"No...Riley, that's not it." I attempt to talk but the other window opens and a farmilliar voice interrupts.
"Howdy." Lucas comes in and sits.
I roll my eyes but also feel uncomfortable that he was here.
"Okay, now who invited Bucky Mc. Boing Boing?!" I shout.
"Well, it's nice to see you too Maya." He teases me.
"Yeah..." I become uneasy at the fact that mr. Howdy was here so I just go with the lie that was already implanted into Rileys head.
"Maya and Farkle were just a bout to tell us something." She winks at lucas.
"Oh!" He raises his eyebrows, "Then please do continue.." He smirks.
I sigh, realizing I can't tell the truth around Lucas. I look over to farkle, he looks panicked. "Okay farkle obviously this isn't the best time so just go with whatever i say, okay?" I whisper to him he just nods and takes a gulp, scared out of his little farkle mind.
I roll my eyes.
"Okay fine you caught us, me and Farkle are dating." I roughly splurge out. I really REALLY didnt want to say that.
"I'm so sorry..." I whisper to his ear. "It's fine...it's fine...it's totally fine." He hyperventilates. "Uh...um yeah! Me and Maya are sure a cute couple." He leans in to me and kisses my cheek. I try so hard not to slap him but I know it meant nothing because I knew what we both were. "Don't EVER DO THAT AGAIN." I harshly whisper.

ucas gets up from the bay window and stands next to me, thinking of ways he could make jokes about me and my 'Farkle....boyfriend..' I frown as he pushes us together to sit down. "Siddown Mr. And Mrs. Minkus please." He snorts.
I growl under my breath but Farkle just takes my hand and sits down. "C'mon shnookums." He teases. I frown more. I knew who I liked. And it wasn't Farkle.
"Well then Now that Maya Is happily trapped in a relationship, I can do this." Lucas moves closer to Riley and pulls out a box.
Is he?!...no!
I glance over as he opens it. He doesn't get down on one knee....that's a good sign..I hope. My eyes widen and Farkles does too.
"Lucas....what are you doing?" Riley says, cupping her hands over her face.

"Riley, I love you.  I have for a long time. And I don't want it to just be something hidden behind a bush any more."

All of us stand in silence as Lucas is about to speak the words I will dread for the rest of my life. He gets down on one knee and I stand up, heart racing.

"Riley, I'm gay!" I shout.

The room stays silent.

Saving Maya ~ Rilaya [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now