Chapter 13

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My concern levels shot up like a carnival strength game. Farkle's eyes held condensed sorrow, in worry of what was going on, as did mine.

"What's going on?" Farkle asked, remaining calm as usual in these types of situations.

I on the other hand, couldn't for the life of me remain calm.

"WHAT IS GOING ON." I demand, springing up from the couch and hopping over it, ignoring the pain in my swollen knee.

Lucas calms himself and but his breathing remains fast and vigorous, from running most likely.

"There was a car accident, maya got hit."

My head sends a huge heart dropping pulse to my throat, trying to swallow but I can't quite manage to.

Farkle freaks out and jumps over to me, nearly falling over the couch with his lack of athletic ability.

I remembered the dream I had last night and I started to feel a pang of guilt in my chest. Could my dreams be predicting what was happening to us?

"This is all my fault." I mumble under my quickening breath.

Both of the boys look at me with a confused expression on their faces. Lucas walks over to me and reaches out his arm to hug me. I willing my accept the hug, feeling weak and Farkle joins in as well.

"Riley, how could this possibly be your fault." I look up, tears welling up in my eyes.

"My dream.." I whisper, choking on a light cry.

"What?!" Lucas questions.

I remember the situation we're currently in and realize ther isn't enough time to explain. I push away from the hug and grab my backpack on the hanger.

"It doesn't matter right now, we have to go!" Realization sweeps over the teen boys faces and they quickly run out the door, me following and soon leading.

As we're running down the sidewalk I know where we have to go but I have to make sure.

"Where was the accident!?" I shout at Lucas, running behind me, my breath panting like a dog.

"Right outside of Topangas!" He replys, not even out of breath as he is the most athletic person I know.

Knew it.

We continue running with the sound of heavy breathing coming from Farkle, as we run, I hear a faint sound coming from a distance. As it keeps coming closer I realize what it is.


"Shit! Guys run faster we can't have them take her without us!" I nearly scream, coughing after my vocals are nearly dead.

We all pick up our pace at a full blown sprint and my eyes catch a glimpse of the the restaurant, cars stopped on the highway and people gathered.

"MAYA!" I scream, hoping she can hear me and know that I'm here for her. Farkle and Lucas do the same, I smile for a split second, glad that Lucas actually cares about her after my dream.

My smile fades quicker than it came as two ambulances pass us, then I try beating it but it's no use. I fall right behind the truck but no further as I follow it, nearly tripping over my own feet.

My eyes only follow the ambulance I feel a clash of my body with another's.

I look up to see Shawn, my uncle and Maya's father looking up at me with a scared and limp smile on his face. I can tell he's trying to hold in all of the fear that is rushing through his mind and keep it hidden. Obviously it's not working.

"Uncle Shawn!" I yell.

I get up and brush off my pants, holding a hand out to help him up. "Sorry. "

As he grabs my hand I see a stretcher picking up a limp body and I drop him back down, me Lucas and Farkle rushing over to the ambulance.

"Maya!! I yell out again." She lifts her head slightly. I knew she heard me.

"She's conscious!" I yell to the runners behind me, now including Shawn.

Relief is wiped over their faces as my words part off of my lips. We're now officially at the place of the accident and almost immediately when I see maya with blood stains and limp movement.

I quickly sprint up to the stretcher, then running at a slow jog next to it. "Deyjavou." I whisper under my breath.

Maya's eyes open and I squeeze her hand at no hesitance.

"It's alright maya, everything is going to be just fine." I tell her, forcing a smile.

Although, on the inside I was slightly panicking. My dream never told me what happened to Maya after the accident.

I had no idea of what was going to happen. I hated it. I hated not knowing.


Saving Maya ~ Rilaya [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now