Chapter 9

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Everything was fuzzy. My hearing was faded and a distorted dull sound. I couldn't see anything, it was black oblivian. I had to use my other senses to get even close of an idea of what was going on. One thing for sure my body wasn't moving. I can tell I'm laying down on something hard, stones having a crunching texture unterneath my back. It felt like a thousand mini Legos underneath me, but when I tried to move I couldn't. The next thing I felt was pain. The pain came sharp in some places, other places slightly faded, giving a sore feeling. I breath was taken out of my right side. It hurt, I couldn't breathe. I tried to regain breath but it was extremely complicated. Eventually, out of exaustion, I gave up. Taking short quick breaths like a rabbit.

Scrapes stung and burned like a housefire, while I couldn't feel my own leg. The last source of pain was in my lower neck, near my shoulder. I'm not sure what was going on. I hope Riley is safe.

I might be a lost cause. All I hear are loud sirens repeating and a voice, although I couldn't make out who it was. It was soft and scared, the voice was the only thing soothing me. I managed to block out everything else of my surrounding me into white noise and I just heard the soft, reassuring and calm bringing voice. If this was the last sound I were to hear, I might as well listen. The girls voice was as sweet as candy, every word although out of scarcity, was trying to stay positive and reassuring although I could feel her breaking down.

"It will be okay maya." I hear between rapid breathing above me. Within the midst of pain and trial, I can feel a slight full hearted grin crawl across my face. It was barely there, but I could feel it. Soon enough I saw a flash of light and then everything went dark.

Riley POV:

"MAYAAA!" I screamed, every fiber in my being sent chills of anxiety and terror down my spine. Nothing had even happened yet, everything in my mind rapidly switched to deliberate vision and I could already feel bland tears streaming down my pale cheeks. There was so much noise within the midst of my screams and cars honking, shuffling and screeching, coming to a fleeting stop in front of the limp blonde on the street.

No, no, no, no. Please no!
I couldn't stop anything at this point. Maya had been hit. Before every car even came to an exhaustive stop, I ran briskly into the trafficked street.

When I reached Maya my body went limp. I immediately fell to my knees, trying to hold back my tears and stay calm. I lifted her slightly onto my lap, holding her upper torso like a child. I quickly pulled the my phone out of my back jean pocket and without any hesitance emergency dialed 9-1-1.

The call ringed for a bare amount of time then the line picked up.
"Hello? Disbatch of new York city police, how-" I cut her off quickly and began speaking expeditiously.
"Hello! My best friend just got hit by a fast moving car on the freeway next to Topangas diner! Please help quickly!"

I couldn't act tough anymore. My voice cracked on the line as I started to ball.
"Please...I don't want to lose her. I don't want her to die..."
The women on the other line calmly continued to speak.
"Okay, we are on our way." She reassured me.
"Okay please stay on the line with me until we get there okay?" My voice broke more and I choked on my sobs.

The disbatcher began asking me questions. I didn't feel like answering because I just wanted to focus on Maya, but I had to do it for maya.
I was too busy to even care about Lucas, but I was unhinged upset with him, I couldn't even look at him.

"Okay, now what is your friends name?"
I hesitantly cried.
"M-maya Hart.." I closed my eyes harshly, wanting to believe that this scenario wasn't real, but only as I did, more salty tears fell and my breath couldn't catch itself.
"Okay, and how old is she? And can you tell me your name?" My lip quivered ever so slightly as I answered.
"She's 15 years old, and I am too and uh...m-my name is Riley Matthews." I choked out.

Soon enough, out of the cause of commotion and boisterous noise, Mayas mother came out of the diner. Horrified at the sight. She screamed at her own daughters body lying limp on the street, scared.
She sprinted into the street as fast as I have ever seen anyone run in a lifetime. It was the lobe of a mother, worried about her only other family.
"Maya..." She choked as she was feeling for a pulse.
"Hello? Are you still there?" The disbatcher still stood on the other line.
I responded quickly.
"I'm handing you to M-maya's mother okay?" I said, my heart quickening as I gave the phone to her and she frantically paced around back at the sidewalk, mourning and frequently looking back over to us.

As soon as my hands were free of the phone, my body felt limp once more, and I fell, wrapping my arms around Mayas laying body and rested my head onto her chest, squeezing my eyes shut, feeling the wet tears underneath me that fell onto her jacket. I mourned and sobbed, my body twitching at the slight loss of water within my body. I became thirsty, but I payed no attention to it. All I cared about was saving Maya.

I look back to check if Lucas was still struck standing on the sidewalk like a deer in headlights. But no, he did something worse. He wasn't even there, he had left the entire scene. He hadn't wanted a part in this whatsoever exept, he was the being who started it all.
"What a douche." I claimed over him, looking back at Mayas mother then directly back to Maya herself. 

As my head is once again buried into Maya's vast smelling sweater, I hear a faint sound emerging louder and louder.
The ambulance!
I stand up frantically, not able to take my eyes off of Maya, I had attempted to pick her up, but I had no upper body strength whatsoever. For some reason I was worried something else would talk to her so I didn't take my eyes off of her as I knew there was already a possibility that the worst could have just happened. It was hard to focus on the positive things at this exact moment.

Katy ran back over, while everything around us continued to stay hectic. The people emerged out of the abulance onto the scene and brought over a stretcher to Maya and I watched as they easily lifted her up onto it like she was a toy.

"Careful!" Me and Katy both yelled in unocin, both of us trying to protect her. The two men both just  nodded their heads and continued to make sure Maya was secure.  As they were doing that, another man walked up to us with a form and clipboard and asked Katy some simple questions lime what I answered on the phone, and others that were more complex. Either way I knew all of them, but I let Katy answer them anyway because she was the "legal guardian" as they called it.

Soon after we had answered all of his questions they began wheeling the stretcher off towards the ambulance vehicle. I quickly ran after it, grabbing the side and as well as Mayas hand. Katy did the same to the other side.

I few tears slipped out of the corner of my eye unexpectedly as I spoke to maya.
"Everything will be okay Maya, I'm here."

As they lifted the streacher into the ambulance, we climbed in the and sat on each side of the bench. Me and Katy on opposite sides, but soon, I hesitantly moved closer to her and she embraced me with a hug. "It will be okay, whatever happens." She whispered.

You see that wouldn't be true, I kept thinking about the worst thing that could happen. She could perish in front of my eyes. My bestfriend girlfreind. I wouldn't be able to handle that.

"We need to call Shawn." I remembered as I told Katy, she briskly nodded and grabbed her phone while also handing me back mine, I had some phone calls to make as well.
My father probably was wondering where the hell I was.

As the phone rang, I looked down at maya. Her eyes were closed and she was pale. I sighed as the line picked up, and I couldn't help myself but cry anymore.

"Hello? Riley? Where are you?! Is everything okay?!" My dad freaked out on the phone. He usually freaks out over the little things when I'm late but this time, his worrying was correct.



I couldn't stop writing XD...this chapter is almost 2000 words.

Anyways! I hope you guys all had a merry Christmas and Happy holidays and I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

I'm changing the books name to "Saving Maya" because it suits the book more! So the cover will be a little different as your reading this.

One last thing, I apologize for any grammatical errors, it's 1:00 in the morning and I don't feel like editing XD


Saving Maya ~ Rilaya [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now