Chapter 15

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"Are you okay hun?" My mom knocks on my bedroom door as she walks in.

I lay in bed with a weak smile on my face.

"Yeah...for what it's worth."

My mom's lip quivers slightly at the sorrow of myself slouching, tucked in my bed.

She walks over to my bedside and sits down, sitting criss cross and looking at me.

"Mom. I'll be fine. I just need a good sleep."

"Okay, goodnight sweetie. If you ever need to talk. Know that I'm always here."

Wow. Reasurring.

I playfully roll my eyes.

"Got it." I fake smile. She kisses me on the cheek and heads out of my room, closing the door behind her. I hear the click of the doornob and pull the covers over my shoulders and slowly fall asleep.

[Everything in bold is a dream btw]

I sat at the telivision watching one of my favorite shows, Red planet Diaries. Usually I would watch it with Maya, but the nurses say that she can't get out of the hospital for at least a week to make sure she is fully recovered from all of her injuries.

I sigh at the thought of it. But as soon as I start over thinking it, I'm at the hospital. A phone is echoing around me. Everything is spinning. I'm getting overwhelmed. Soon enough I hear the phone pick up.

"Hello? Riley Matthews?"

"Y-yes?" The other side of the line replies.

What? But I'm right here how can I be talking on the phone.

I dizzily walk up the the reception desk and I hear mumbles of

"....medicine.....allergic reaction.......dead.."

"D E a d"

That rung in my head for what seemed like ages.

Until... the phone line went dead.

Everything stopped.

"GAAH!" I woke up screaming.

I rub my temples and sit up in the midst of my dark room.

"What the hell?"

I leaned over and turned on the lamp on my bedside table.

I rummage through my drawer for a notebook and a pencil.

I sit back in bed and open the notebook to a blank page. I was flipping through the pages for a while as most of the pages were filled with math notes and doodles. Finally I  found a blank page and I sighed with relief. I immediately tried to connect the dots of my dream. I jotted down what I remembered from the dream. ringing..


...some sort of allergic reaction?..


...then the line of the phone went dead..

"Ugh it just doesn't piece together.." I mumbled and bit the end of my pencil in concentration.

I worry that this could actually happen. Could Maya actually die? No..the doctors said she was in stable position.  Or was my dream just a random blip.

Either way, I'm not taking any chances.

I get out of bed in a rush and and throw on an old band tshirt and some light grey jeans and a flannel around my waist, pull up my hair in a quick messy bun and look at the time.


"Alright..Let's go save the day I guess. Or not."

I wince confused.

I grab my bag, throw it over my shoulder and walk out of my room.

I peek into my parents room as well as auggies. All sound asleep. I smile and slowly close the door quietly.

Then I run.

Run out the door and onto the street. Only when I hail a taxi is when I finally slow down.

I tell the man in the drivers seat and we start to drive. Not as quickly as I wanted, so I decided to speak up.

" uhm-" I stuttered.

"This is kind of a life or death situation here, is there any way we can go any faster?"
I bite my lip anxious for his response.

"Not in this kind of traffic sweetheart." The man sighs. I do as well.

"Well is there any alternate route?"

"I'm sorry, not that I can get to."


My crus- I uh.. mean my best friend might be dying here!!

"Okay, uh..thank you I will just walk from here."

The man smiles and nods. I hop out of the car, my eyes widening At how much traffic there really is. I mean New York City is usually pretty busy but not usually this busy.

I continue fast walking down the sidewalk, and soon come to a crosswalk.


Waiting for what seems like forever until, GREEN!!


I start off with a jog down the sidewalk, but as thoughts start spinning through my mind I start to run faster. Until I'm nearly at a sprint.

When I reach the hospital I stop to breathe for a minute, bending over and huffing. Then I walk in and up to the front desk.

"How may I help you?" The receptionist asks me kindly.

"Riley Matthews, here for Maya Hart." I say, nearly out of breath.

"Alright, room 205 down the hallway." She says while pointing in the direction the room is in.

I walk slowly and start to go faster, counting the numbers in my head.

As I start walking faster the numbers circle around my head. I count as I see them spin.


205! 205!

I almost passed it. And I'm glad I didn't.

As I walk into the room, I see the nurse open a little of prescription drugs and place two pills on the counter for Maya to take.


I mumble under my breath and without hesitance, I speak up.


And in that moment, her gaze lifts up to mine and when my eyes meet hers it's like the world goes completely silent.

All the cars and traffic outside, the beeping cars, the sound of alarms and phones, my screaming thoughts. Everything just stops and everything is soft and quiet.

My vision only focuses on Maya, on her gorgeous blue eyes and one thought comes to mind.

As long as she focuses on me..everything will be okay.


Saving Maya ~ Rilaya [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now