Chapter 12

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I sit back in the bay window, appalled yet confuzed.
Friends with benifits?
Of course I knew what that meant. I shifted my eyes then returned them quickly, trying to wrap my mind around the situation.
I don't want to be friends with I?
This was the first time Maya had ever acted out like this, I was so confused. Why would she even do this? Both she and I knew that Maya was with Lucas after I resigned from him. This...this was wrong. He's not a Toy, she can't treat him like this! Although, the thought of the dream I had last night gave me a tingling sensation.
"Riley Matthews, snap out of it! This isn't right. Stop feeling this way!" I yelled at myself in my bedroom, still sitting in the bay window.  I got up and decided to get ready. I can't figure out this problem right now. The only fact I knew is that Maya cheated.
I mean at least it was with me..
"Ugh!" I groaned as my feet dragged one by one over to my closet to pick out an outfit. I picked out a white t-shirt withe one singular small stripe at the top with some black skinny jeans and white converse. Then I added a navy green jean jacket over it, to top off the look. I shuffled over to my mirror, distracting myself and quickly putting on some makeup before heading out of the house. I decided to stay in today, saying as I know I would run into Maya if I went out. Who knows what she was thinking..but I felt different than yesterday. It was a new maturity I belive, but I'm not sure what the hell kind it was.  I headed out of my bedroom and my house was empty. I stood at the small ledge before the kitchen. I didn't have school today, but I had plans to chill with Farkle, my best friend. And Auggie still had daycare since my dad had weekend finals prep and my mother had a new case. So I was left here alone.
It's perfectly fine with me. Honestly, I prefer being home alone. I usually invite Maya over to hang out but not this morning. I'm just all confused with her. I walk over to the living room coffee table and grab the remote, sitting near the edge of the woodcraft. As I bent over to pick up the remote, my knee banged hard into the corner of the coffee table. It was directly on top of my funny bone too, directly in the weak spot. "SHIT!!!!" I screamed in agony and pain as I fell to the floor, holding my knee up to my chest. "Ow Ow Ow Ow owow Ow" I continued to squeal over and over. The remote still remained on the table. I groaned as I got up, my knee was tingling but yet I also felt pain. Typical for a funny bone injury. I pulled out my phone to text farkle to meet me here instead because I had to tell him something and I turned on the TV to a random channel as I heard my phone make a pinging like noise back for a responce. The text was a simple "Okay!" And I continued onto my day.
I walked over to the fridge because I needed to get an ice pack for my knee. It was already swollen so I needed to calm my nerves because who wants a swollen knee. When I got to the fridge I opened the bottom freezer and grabbed out some frozen peas that we had.
"Close enough." I mumbled as walking back over to the couch. I sat down, lounging long ways across the couch and I propped a pillow up underneath my leg and under my knee. Then I set the frozen peas on top of my knee. I winced at the cold at first, but soon got used to it. The TV was still on, but I dint like the show that was on, so I changed it to a different channel and one of my favorite shows was on. I started to sing the theme.
"OUT HERE IN SPAAAACE, I KISS YOUR GREEN FACE-" Farkle soon barged in the door whilst hearing the theme song.
"BUT IT FEELS LIKE YOUR LIGHT YEARS AWAAAAAAY!!!" Me and him both singed with a mixture of yelling. I turned around in slight shock but also slightly jumpy, I wasn't expecting that.
"Hey farkle." I said, trying to stay chill. When really my heart was racing. I didn't want to tell farkle but I had to, he always had good advice for me.  "What happened to your knee?!" He says quickly, noticing the frozen kitchen vegetables on my leg. I quickly intervene before he can say another word. "Oh-this, it's nothing don't worry. I just hit it on the corner of the table." "Oh." Farkle nods and walks over to the couch. I remove myself from the lounging position into a more casual sitting position. I prop the pillow back up to its spot and grab the frozen peas, walking back over to the freezer and putting them away. Farkle makes himself at home and sits down like he usually would. "Hey, want anything to eat?" I offer. "We have popcorn..." I tempt him with a favourite of his. He looks over and replys. "Popcorn would be great Riley thank you!" There is a crack of excitement in his tone and he shifts his weight back, looking at the television in front of him. I walk to the cabinet, grab the popcorn, and place it in the microwave. I hum and wait while the popcorn is finishing and once I hear the alarming grab the steaming buttery bag in its entirety and bring it to the couch for us to share.
Soon enough our episode ends and I dread the words that part through farkles lips as he shifts his weight towards mine. "So what did you want to tell me? He asks." "What?" I say, trying to play it off like I didn't know what he was talking about. "You know Riley, what you tested me about?" I couldn't lie. Silence lay between us for seconds but for what seemed hours. "Yeah...I remember." I cross my legs and scootch my body towards his. "Okay, what was it?" He asks promptly, not afraid of anything he has to hear. I decided to start off with the easiest thing to explain and then get to the point once I explain everything. "I had this really weird dream.." I said, shifting my eyes away at the thought of it and then back to him. He just nods motioning for me to continue. "It was almost an alternate universe where may-" I was interrupted by the sound of the door slamming itself open and there to my eyes I saw Lucas standing there. Me and farkle stood up appalled at the shocking sound of the abrupt door. "Lucas?!" We both say in unison. "What are you-" I was cut of yet again by Lucas yelling. "RILEY FARKLE WE HAVE TO GO NOW!" I was severely confused. "What why?!" I shouted.

"Its Maya, there was an accident."

Saving Maya ~ Rilaya [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now