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Thank you to sillybieber for making this amazing cover for me. You guys should go check her out! ✨✨

I won't be updating as often as I usually do because I have school. 😔😞😜


Jay and I were sitting in the couch doing next to nothing. I was actually kind of awkward. We had just got out of a fight and he followed me home...


I meant it when I said I forgave him but I just didn't want to fall in another trap. His bipolar personality trap.

" -you okay?" Jay awoke me from my day dream. He finally broke the silence. I cleared my throat, smiled and answered, "uh... yep." Popping the p.

At this point Jay was mostly laying on the couch and I was sitting next to him. We were watching a boring show on T.V about cooking. Jay was beyond bored.

Jay rolled over onto me. A childish grin covered his face making it hard for me not to smile. "I know something's wrong Lex." He pointed out, brushing some hair behind me ear. I sighed. "I-" I was stopped by a big laughter coming out of Jays mouth. "I told you, Babe." He winked, "I'm always right." He continued. I rolled my eyes. He's so cocky.

"Come on." Jay got up and dusted himself off. "Let's go shopping - clothes shopping not groceries." He laughed to himself I giggled a little bit at his stupidity.

He took my hand in his and pulled me up. He pulled me close to him and moved his hands to my butt. He gently squeezed. "Babe... Tell me what's up." He said softly. His hot breath was landing on my forehead sending shivers down my body.

"...Jay." I started but his lips smashed into mine. It felt so good. He had so much passion, pain and love in his kiss. I had a load of stress and anger built up in my body, but Jay's kiss calmed me down. Our lips moved in sync and then the he pulled away. "Babe." He breathed. "Please tell me." He said pulling away from my embrace. "I... I... Jay." I collapsed onto the couch. I don't know how I'm supposed to say I don't trust him.

Jay took a few steps back, "it's okay, Lex. I'm sorry I bothered you." Jays voice was low and his eyes were hurt.

What's going on?

Jay stood back, "I never expected you to fall for me again anyway, so it's okay." He said. "Wait, Jay." I pleaded. "What's going on?!" I asked in desperation. I didn't know if I said 'I don't trust you' out load or if something else happened.

Jay sat on the coffee table in front of me. "Lexi, I tried so hard to get you to love me again, so many days, weeks months. I didn't know how to reach you. Then that one night at the bar, when we were both together, and I saw you with Sam, I nearly died. You were with a different guy. I still loved you. And you know I have anger problems, you know I struggle, and I'm sorry for that day. When I got angry at you, I was about to loose my job. How can you not trust me tho? Hate me, dispose me, threaten me. I don't care. But how can you not trust me. After that time I risked my job, no, risked my damn life to save you. And you don't trust me? What do you want from me?Jay breathed out a few tears falling out of his eyes.

Wow. I don't even know how to reply to that. I am such an idiot.

"Jay." I pleaded. I had nothing to say but I knew I needed him. "What, Lexi?!" He spat. I freaked out and jumped in my seat then curled up into a little ball. He never lets me speak. "Lex..." Jay started. He knew what he did was wrong. I felt like running up into my room and ignoring everything he has to say. I knew if I did that I'd make things worse.

A tear rolled down my cheeck and I started to sob. I heard Jay curse under his breath. I covered my face with my hands. I was hoping that he'd just leave. I heard Jay get off the table. His footsteps got closer. Jay picked my head up and wrapped his arms around my waist. He cradled me. I felt better. Like every little problem went away. Jay had the ability to ruin my day but then make it the best day ever within 5 minutes.

I breathed out. "Jay, this is what I'm scared of." He let go of me straight away. "I'm-I-I'm sorry for hugging you." He said nervously. I giggled. "No, not the hugs. I'm scared of how you can change my mood so easily." I told him pulling his body to mine and pressing my lips on his. He pulled away smiling. "I love you, Lexi." He smiled taking my hand in his again. "Love you too, Jay." I smiled. "Shall we go back to my house instead?" He offered. "No question Jay, I'm feeling tired, let's just go rest at yours." I giggled. Jay smiled and walked me out to his car.

He opened the door for me, I got in and he planted s kiss on my cheek. I closed the door and he walked over to his side. He got in and turned the car on driving away holding my hand.

I looked over to Jay and he looked at me and smiled. "Oooh- red light." He murmured easing off the accelerator. He put his foot on the brake and leaned over kissing me. I kissed him back. Jay quickly pulled away. "Green light!" He cheered in a sing-sing voice. I giggled. He's so cute!

Jay rubbed my knuckles and smiled at me. He pulled me closer to him and kissed me. I tried to pull away because he was still driving put his grip tightened on me. He continued to kiss me. I kissed back a little then pulled away.

"Fuck! JAY!"



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Thanks to KevinHunt8 for inspiring me to keep writing.

Thanks guys!!!!

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