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Lexi's POV

I woke up abruptly from a bad dream. I was laying next to Sam. His arm wrapped around my waist. I can't remember anything from last night though my head was pounding.

I pulled the covers from my body. The air was cold. I looked down. Great no wonder. I had no clothes on. I searched the room in hope of finding something. I found my old underwear and my Cardigan but nothing else. I had to risk it.

I quickly slid my underwear back on and put my cardigan on covering my torso. I felt my phone in my pocket. I pulled out out and checked for any missed calls. I noticed the time was 6:07 am. I had enough time to evacuate. I saw I had one text from an unknown number.

It read:
Hey, Lexi. It's me, Jay. Yeah, I do still have your number. I've kept it ever since we... You know. Anyway, I just wanted to say you looked beautiful last night. You would've looked better with me instead of Sam, but there's nothing I can do. Anyway, I hope we can chill sometime. I miss you. -Jay

Eww. He is so pathetic. Why would I ever go back to THAT?

I realised I couldn't find any shoes so I decided to go barefoot. I quietly made my way out of the room and closed the door softly, hoping not to wake Sam.

I walked out on the porch to the lobby and then on the gravel road to my car.

"Hey!" A voice called. Oh my! What if it's Sam. I don't want anything more from him. I quickly unlocked my car with the keys in my pocket and got in.


I looked to my window and was frightened when I saw Jay's face in the window. I actually didn't know how to deal with this situation so instead I put my keys into the engine and reversed out. Jay continued to follow me. "Stop! Please! Lexi!" He called. I Ignored him. Not today. I am not dealing with him today.

I reversed out of the parking slot and quickly drove away. I looked behind me an saw Jay sitting on his backside looking defeated. I kind of felt bad, I mean who knows what he was trying to tell me. I wanted to go back there and tell him I'm sorry but, I am better than this and I refuse to go back.

I put my ballet flats on as they were still in the car. I drove as fast as I could home. There were no cars on the road so I was able to speed.

I parked my rover in my garage. I opened the car door, got out and covered my chest with the cardigan. I walked up the steps to my front door and unlocked it, walking in.

I placed my keys on the bench and walked up towards the staircase. My phone started buzzing in my pocket.

Unknown number

Oh gosh. I hope it isn't Jay, but how do I know it's not an important call from someone else? I slid the answer button on my phone and waited a little before placing the phone by my ear.

"Hello..." I spoke quietly hoping that maybe by chance, if it was Jay he wouldn't hear me. "Hi. It's-" I pulled the phone away from my ear. Am I seriously doing this? "Sorry? I didn't quite get that." I told the person on the other end. "I said, it's Jay." The voice called confidently which pissed me off. I pulled the phone away and hung up. Yep I did.

I shoved my phone back into my pocket and made my way up the stairs. I went into my bedroom. I ripped my cardigan off and chucked it in my wash basket.

Oh shit. My phone.

I walked over to the basket and pulled my phone out. It was buzzing again with an unknown number. I'm guessing it's Jay again. I let it be and walked into my bathroom.

I turned the hot water on and let it steam up my bathroom before adding cold water. I pulled my old underwear off and hopped into the hot shower.

Jay's POV

I hadn't slept that night. I was thinking about how Lexi was with Sam. He betrayed me.

I really want to see Lexi. I want to feel my lips on hers, her hands in my hair. I want her.

I was still sitting in the motel lobby I was waiting for someone to come out. Somebody to talk to. I walked out of the building and saw a feminine figure coming down a walk way. Maybe I can talk to her.

FUCK! It's Lexi. I stood near her car. As she got closer I slowly followed behind her. She was just behind her car.

"Hey!" I called desperately. She was started by my voice and jumped into her car. I sprinted to her car and banged on her window. She was frightened again. Oh please Lexi, please just let me talk to you.

"Stop!" I called. At this stage I was desperate. She was reversing out running away from me... Again. "Please! Lexi!" I called. The force from the car pushed me back into my ass. I was sitting there on the gravel. I had given up. Lexi looked back at me one last time before zooming out of the bar.

I stayed there for a while before getting up and going into the bar to get something to eat. Yeah... I should say my gang owns this place.

I walked into the bar and greeted Stacey- the bar tender. I then walked into the kitchen. Gary, the chef was in there preparing some wedges and other simple things for the early customers.

"Hey, Gaz." I called out. He turned to me and smiled. "You got any pancakes, or something?" I asked trying to be polite. "Yea. Just pour some onto that hot plate." He pointed to a hot plate in the corner and gave me pancake mixture. "Thanks Gaz." He nodded I walked over and poured some onto the hot plate. Steam came rushing out. From underneath the pancake. "Mmm." I mumbled quietly.

I flipped the pancake with a spatula I found. This looks good. I placed the pancake into a plate and dressed it its lemon and sugar.I only did this because it reminded me of Lexi.

I walked out of the kitchen and into the bar I took a seat at one of the booths and put the plate down. I pulled my phone out and dialled Lexi's number. I hope to God she answers and isn't freaked out by the text I send her earlier this morning.

Bling bling. Bling bling.

"Hello." A quiet and shy voice spoke. "Hi, it's Jay." I said. I got no reply. "Hello?" Still nothing. "Sorry. I don't quite get that." She told me. "I said its Jay." I spoke confidently. She hung up.

You mother fuc-" I stopped. Damn. She sure knows how to play the game.

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