Volleyball Game

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Your POV 😇

I was only going to the volleyball game just to watch all my friends play. I didn't tryout for the team because of an injury.

Annabeth and I bought our tickets and ran inside the gym. It's an away game at my crush's school (nicoooooo). As I was sitting down I saw him across the gym on the opposite bleachers.
"Annabeth that's himmmmmm!" I whisper yelled. "Go say I to him!" "He doesn't know I exist! I would totally go up to him if we talked." "Just go!" "I rather just sit here and stare at the masterpiece." "Wow that's s-" The bell ring and the game began.

Throughout the whole game I couldn't stop staring at him. His eyes, his height, his beautiful beautiful hair! Annabeth started getting annoyed with be because every 2 minutes I would say "oh gods he's so cute." I don't care, Nico looked so cute even from afar. Imagine if I was close up....just thinking about it make butterflies flutter around in my stomach.
"hey Annabeth he looks extra daddyish in black." Annabeth let out a chuckle.

The rest of the game went like that. I don't even remember the scores. All I remember is Nico and how cute he looked. I can't wait for him to smile...

Soon after the game ended and I had to go outside to wait for the bus to take me back 'home'. I sat on some stairs and started fiddling around with my sleeve. "Hey, isn't your name (y/n)?" I turned around startled. I didn't know anyone else from this school, but to my great surprise it was Nico. "That's me." "You're really cute." He said with a smile that melted my heart. "You too." He sat down next to me.
"What's it like at your school?" "I'm sure it's not so different from yours. After all it is the same district." "You're right." He said letting out a small laugh that also melted my heart. We were quiet for a few minutes. "So how do you know my name anyways?" I said blushing. "Truth is I have a crush on you." My heart stopped. I waited for someone to come out and say I was pranked. "You're serious?" I said the smile on my face growing. "Very." "Well that's great because I like you a lot too." My smile just kept growing.
I saw the yellow school bus pulling up. "That's my ride." "Wait let me give you my number!" He pulled out a marker from his pocket and grabbed my wrist. He wrote his number. "Text me." I smiled and walked to the bus.

Later at my 'house' I grabbed my phone and texted him. His messages made me weak in the knees. I honestly thought my face might stay smiling permanently if I didn't stop. I was listening to "I can't help falling in love" by twenty one pilots and it made the mood ever better. My day was made. ❤️

for the thing
cierra_elizabeth :) is doing 😂❤️


this dude a cuteeeee.

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