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Have you ever fucked up so badly? Made a decision and then realized you're wrong for it? I have. I started my career as an artist after I win The Voice. I came out with an album called 'Struggles', it's about my life. Every thing went uphill from there, I got myself a hot bf (Nico), a role on a movie, a tour, and millions of dollars. It was all great until I met this girl, her name's Piper. As soon I saw Piper I fell in love, I knew she felt the same for me. I loved Nico a lot too, but something about this girl was driving me insane. I talked to her and instantly knew that I had to leave Nico. I spent that night with Piper. Of course, being famous and all, pictures flowed all thorough the Internet. Nico called me the next while I was at the studio.
"Where are you?" "I-I'm recording." "Come home please."
I've never driven so fast.
"I'm here baby what's up?" He showed me the picture of me entering Piper's home. "Why?" I couldn't tell Nico how sorry I was at that moment. "I'm sorry." "GET OUT!"
My heart split on two, Nico never raised his voice at me. I quietly walked out and broke down on the steps of our house. The dam paparazzi came running blinding me with the flash. I stuck my middle finger out and ran off. I had no where to go, my family lived in Colorado.
It is now a year later and I hate myself for ever saying that I loved Piper McLean. She played me like a fiddle. She just wanted me for the fame and Nico hated me. Nico got his revenge by sleeping with my brother.....

I saw his 2 weeks ago at one of Melanie's concerts. He started smiling and then he quickly turned away. Maybe he misses me but hates the fact that I cheated on him. I hate myself more everyday, I had an amazing life & I fucked it up in the blink of an eye.

I decided to visit Nico.
"Funny seeing you here."
"I'm sorry.....I miss you, a lot."
"You know what? I miss you too but what you did too me was too much. I can't let myself love you once more." Then he closed the door on my face and I broke down on the stairs once again.


honestly don't know where this came from but ok.

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