The Part With The Stabbing

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Julian used to love dancing. It didn't matter what kind. He could sock-hop to a waltz in a matter of seconds. He was talented but he didn't do it for that reason, he did it because it was fun. It was a way to express himself even if it was when he was alone in his room down to his underwear with headphones on. He could dissipate into the thin air when he danced.

When his father died he stopped dancing. He stopped dancing for a few years. He started dancing again when he got married and had children. Sometimes he danced before work and after work and he danced with his family whenever he could. In his dreams he danced with Noel Fielding.

"You don't look like you got much sleep"

Julian snapped back to reality, quickly rubbing his eyes and ignoring the images of blurred movement racing through his thoughts. The dreams had followed him to work that day.

He half-heartedly smiled at Noel and flicked through some paperwork on his desk.

"I'm fine" He eventually mumbled and Noel scoffed.

"Don't worry, I didn't much either"

"Why is that?"

"Big day today. Everything must go exactly as planned"

"What's happening today?" Julian frowned.

He flicked faster through his paperwork thinking he missed something but Noel just laughed.

"You ask too many questions and you worry too much"

Julian took a deep breath and tore his eyes away from the files and back to the murderer's bright blue eyes.

"How long have we been chatting? At least a week now? Trust me" Noel shrugged.

This time Julian was laughing.

"I can't trust you" He continued chortling, wiping a tear from his eye, "You're a mass murderer"

"So they say"

Things went silent and Julian couldn't bare look at him any longer. He unintentionally began staring out of the window of his office but Noel just watched him.

"Is it okay if we cut this session short? As I said, big day today"

"You can go"

Julian was quick to dismiss him which made Noel confused but he didn't complain. As he strode to the door, Julian spoke again.

"You can't get rid of me though. I expect another session bright and early tomorrow"

"We'll see"

The door clicked shut and Julian was left alone. He probably should've started preparing for his courtyard duty but he felt so distant today, so beside himself. Nothing felt real but everything felt infinite. He never used to feel like this until he became a security guard at this prison and since, he's felt more the prisoner than the prisoners were.

Suddenly there was screaming. At first he was unsure whether it was real or not but then a shuffle of footsteps and aggressive shouting from what seemed like authorities made him jump from his seat.

He raced out of his office to come upon a dreary sight at the end of the hallway. The supposedly innocent man he was just speaking to had a knife in his hand. How did he get a knife? It was drawn and raised, dripping with fresh blood that Julian could only presume was the inmate who was strewn across the floor battling for breath as one of the prison guard's tried to keep his blood inside his chest. Noel was pointing the knife at Dolly who was aiming a gun at him. Inmates surrounded them, frozen in place.

Julian slowly approach the scene and when he came into Noel's view, Noel started grinning.

"Big day, Mr. Barratt, big day"

"You told me you were innocent"

"I was"

"Put the knife down"

"Get her to put the gun down"

Julian looked to Dolly. Dolly who had never shot anyone a day in her life who's hands were shaking and eyes lining with tears. He nodded for her to put the gun down but before she could Noel threateningly stepped forward with his weapon and it was just an impulse reaction.

Dolly shot and it struck Noel in the shoulder which forced him to drop the knife and fall to his knees. He desperately clutched at his own shoulder which was profusely bleeding. Julian rushed over to hold him as Noel whimpered and Dolly just stood panicking.

Julian lifted Noel's body off the ground and carried him bridal style to exit the room. As he passed Dolly, he harshly whispered.

"Report this to the warden immediately"

"Where are you taking him?" She cried.

"To the infirmary and then when he's better, I'm sending him to max. Get Johnson to bring the stabbed inmate to the infirmary as well"

"He's not breathing and I can't carry him, he's twice my size"

Johnson, the other security guard, had screamed and it made Julian stop in his tracks.

"I'll send a doctor as soon as I can"

Julian left the crime scene, still holding Noel in his arms.

He was infuriated.

All he could think of was when his father died. He loved to dance too. He was stabbed too. He held him too. Julian would not dream of dancing with Noel Fielding anymore. His hold on the criminal got tighter and he hoped it pinched his skin.

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