The Part With The Kiss

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Julian had taken a few days off to re-cooperate from the rejection. It was pathetic but he felt as if he saw Noel's face so soon, he would become a puddle on the floor. So he ambled down an empty corridor on his way back to his office after his three day get-away.

He didn't want to run into anyone; not another guard, not Dolly, not the Warden, god forbid he ran into Noel.

He walked close to the wall and away from the light. He wasn't very stealthy even in his attempts as someone crept up behind him and scared the living daylights out of him.

"It's only me. I've been bloody well looking for you"

Julian had stopped in his tracks, clutching at his chest to imitate a heart attack. Noel just rolled his eyes and waited for the man to straighten himself out.

He seemed impatient, tapping his foot with his hand on his hip and every few seconds he would ruffle his hair. He smelt of overwhelming petulance and had very distracted eyes. Julian gulped down and his fear somehow transformed into a smirk on his face.

"I had a leave of absence"

"I noticed. Three whole days! Don't do that again"

Noel seemed wildly upset as he punched Julian's side. When he did his cute little punches, they were soft and playful but that one seemed a little too aggressive.

"Why do you care?"

"Listen, aight, I care about ya"

Noel folded his arms and tried to look anywhere but Julian's eyes. Yet he failed to control himself and ended up locking contact.


"It don't matter why... I care about you and I was worried I wouldn't see you again. Like, ever again"

"Again, why?"

"Are you thick?! I'm dying. I'm rotting away with every day that goes past. You're the only thing that makes me feel fucking alive anymore and you had the audacity to leave for three days and for what? Cause I hurt ya feelings?!"

Julian didn't respond. He stiffened his upper lip and glared at the criminal. Yet Noel wasn't buying his mean exterior.

"I didn't want to fight with you, I actually wanted to see you for a very different reason" Noel explained, "I want to try something"

Julian raised an eyebrow. The criminal sure was relentless. His new found and quite playful smile was relentless too.

Noel slyly slithered his arms up Julian's chest to around his neck and slowly pressed their bodies together. He stared deep into Julian's eyes, a certain sparkle being held in his own. Julian was completely bewitched by the beautiful criminal before him. They were so close and so intimate. He was stealing breaths from his air.

Noel closed his eyes, tilted his head and stood on his tip-toes to slot his lips into Julian's. It might have just been Julian's racing mind that was making him believe they were puzzle pieces in the flesh but the kiss was perfect. It was comfortable. It was almost familiar in touch and taste.

They slid their lips together for a second time and held it for longer. Julian was holding the criminal by the waist and his neck had ducked down considerably to assist him. Noel's grip on Julian's neck had never been tighter. They didn't even stop to catch a breath before their tongues innocently poked around each-other's mouth. It wasn't tongue action like when you wanted to fuck but it was the reasonable amount of tongue action you gave so you could savour the kiss, the moment of being in the other's embrace for a little longer.

Noel was the first to pull away. He flattened out his feet and wiped his lips on the back of his hand. He shyly looked to his feet before returning the gaze to Julian's eyes. Julian was too stunned to create intelligible words.

"Right. Uh, thanks"

Noel just laughed at his poor attempt of communication and continued to laugh as he walked away. Julian watched his hips as he exited the corridor. He drew a deep, happy sigh when he leant against the bricks to pause time for a second to relive the kiss in his memory before getting to work.

Time didn't pause.

"Mr. Barratt"

Julian frowned and turned to the direction of the address to see the Warden. He quickly stood up and off the wall, fixed his hair and wiped his mouth in a complete state of panic.

"I am under the impression that you enjoy your job. Am I correct?"

"Yes, sir"

"And that you use your income to support your family. Is that also correct, Mr. Barratt?"

"Yes... Sir"

The Warden nodded and pushed his glasses up his oily nose. He returned his hands behind his back as he went on to continue his passive-aggressive dialogue.

"Do you wish to throw away both your job and your family for a mass murdering floosy like Mr. Fielding?"

"No, Sir"

"Then do not and I mean do not kiss him in one of my prison corridors ever again. Do you understand?!"

Julian gulped down hard but nodded furiously. He was incapable to remain eye contact with his superior.

"Dolly reported her suspicions about you two a while ago and I see now it was more serious than she lead on. I am disgusted by your reckless and inappropriate behaviour. You therefore are barred from having any interaction with Mr. Fielding. He will be taken off your counselling service immediately. If I so much as see you look at him, you will be suspended from your duties. If you do more than look, well Mr. Barratt... You're a smart man"

The Warden tipped his hat to Julian before walking down the corridor. Julian was sweating immensely and finding it difficult to breathe. He felt he probably could have a heart attack this time around.

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