Chapter 6

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At 11:46am, India sat in her in dance class staring at the mirror. She waited quietly, leaning on the rail catching her breath. They were having a competition in class with different groups the students formed. India and her team won their last two rounds and only had to beat one more group to win.

            The group they had to face was almost completely composed of cheerleaders, two of which had open problems with India. Jaden and Regina stared at India from across the room. Their eyes showed the deep dislike they held for their opponents. Jaden, an 18-year-old, brown skin female stood at 5’3”. She had medium black hair with red highlights and black eyes. Her best friend, Regina, was a slender 17-year-old Caucasian female. She has long jet-black hair, dark green eyes, and stands at 5’6”. 

            The teacher let the two teams get a final sip of water before calling them to the middle of the floor. Jaden and Regina dropped their cups on the ground and led their team forward. Jaden folded her arms while Regina fixed her hair in a ponytail. India walked in front of them with her group next to her. Mrs. Cassie stood between both the teams with a smile on her face.

            “Group-A, your up first!” Mrs. Cassie announced, backing off of the floor. Group-A got into position; Jaden stood in the front, to her right was Regina. The two had their heads lowered and stood completely still. The second Mrs. Cassie pushed the play button on the CD player, Jaden and Regina lifted their heads at the same time.

            Jaden leaped in front of Regina, lifting her knees to her stomach and stomping her feet on the floor. She paused and Regina copied her move, stepping to Jaden’s right side.

            That’s when the rest of group-A broke into movement. They all did the same dance steps in sync while their two leaders glided around in front of them with their own unique Style. Beads of sweat formed on Jaden’s head when she picked up the pace. Soon after, she dashed to the left side of the room as Regina ran to the right. The two then did a sequence of cartwheels and back flips all the way back to the center of group A, where Regina immediately got on her hands and knees. Without hesitation, Jaden stepped on her friend’s back and did a front flip, landing in a pose the second the song finished.

            India applauded with the rest of her team, the talent her rivals displayed was pretty impressive. Jaden and Regina smirked arrogantly while they walked off the floor. Mrs. Cassie clapped her hands and motioned for India’s team.

            India led group-D to the middle of the floor and got into position. Since she was the best dancer in that group, the others chose her to be the leader. India stood in front of her four back up dancers, preparing herself. She focused all of her attention on what she was about to do, blocking everything and everyone out of her mind.

            Mrs. Cassie pushed the play button on the radio, beginning the song. India followed the slow music and gracefully spun 360 degrees. Her style appeared to be ballet. She pranced on her toes and froze once the music paused. When the instrumental came back on, its pace was significantly faster.     

            India’s group chanced their steps, breaking into a more up to date club form of dance. India slid back on her toes, performing a perfect moonwalk. She then hastened her movement, giving the appearance that she’s jogging but gaining no ground.

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