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The days grew longer for both Andy and Ashley, but more so for Andy.

He was imprisoned in four disgusting white walls, and he knew that mirror wasn't just a mirror. There were researchers, and scientists, and doctors, and medical students on the other side, observing, taking notes, and making assumptions about Andy. He could feel them watching him. He could feel the nature of their gazes... Some were critical, others pitiful, disgusted, some of them were a bit fond. It was all confusing Andy, now. He didn't know how he knew these things, but he just... knew.

By now, Andy was tired of it. He sat with his back against the wall, legs crossed, and gaze fixed on the pane of glass. He knew it made them uncomfortable, and amused others. It amused him.

"I know you're watching..." He taunted with a low cackle, sounding slightly menacing and dangerous. "Don't got the nerve to come in here, huh? Is it the wall paint? The lighting? Maybe it's the smell. Or maybe... no... Are you scared?"

Andy grinned. He knew they were uncomfortable. He stood and began to walk closer, but the door suddenly opened, revealing a woman in a green dress and a grey sweater. She smiled warmly at him and took a seat in the chair by the door.
"Hello, Mr. Biersack." She said slowly. "I'm one of the counselors here. We've spoken before upon your first arrival, although you were later induced with quite an amount of sedative to quiet you down so I won't mind that you can't remember." She shrugged.
Andy stared at her with his red eyes, balling his fists. "I remember." He grit his teeth and glared at her, but she only smiled sadly at him. Andy wrinkled his nose. "You're scared of me. I can smell it... You have a dog, too. I can smell him, too. You should really clean dog hair off of your clothes before coming into work." Andy snorted and retreated back to his corner.

"I see, well, I'll be sure to remember that. Why don't you tell me about yourself, then." She said calmly, her smile never faltering. Andy glared at her again.
"And what is it you want to know? You're not here to listen to me talk about my favorite color."
She sighed a bit and put her pen down. "No... you're right, again. There is some thing in particular I'd like to hear from you."
Andy stared at her, eyes no longer angry and apprehensive, but now guilty and slightly ashamed. "Please don't make me talk about that..."
The woman took a deep breath and folded her hands over the clipboard. "I'm sorry, Andy, but you need to talk about it.." she gave him a sympathetic gaze. "What happened the night you got infected?"

Andy squeezed his shut, flinching at the words he was spoken. "I'm sorry- I can't talk about that. Not with him watching." He shifted his gaze towards the glass on the wall by the door. "Please, Ashley, I don't want you to hear this. Not now, please."

Ashley, who stood on the other side, nearly dropped to the floor in shock. He had only just arrived a minute ago, how could Andy know he was there...? He watched as Andy moved to the glass again and put a hand up against it, standing directly in front of where his lover was on the other side.

"I don't want you to hear this..." Andy whispered, eyes filled with tears. "Please, Ashes."

Ashley opened his mouth a bit to say something and then remembered Andy probably couldn't hear him. Someone touched his shoulder, and he glanced over to see it was one of the nurses.
"I'm sorry, sir. The patient requested you leave." She sighed and escorted Ashley out of the ward.
Ashley chewed on his lip. "Wait- He's my boyfriend, please. I need to know what's happening." He practically begged her. She gave him an incredibly sympathetic glance and looked around.
"I really shouldn't do this, but... come with me." She gestured and led Ashley back into the ward, but to a room that read EMPLOYEES ONLY on the door in big black lettering. Ashley entered and saw a few monitors up. Security monitors?

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