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Andy began to feel a bit woozy in the car, and as soon as Ashley parked outside of the bar, he hurled onto the pavement. Well... it backed up his story about being sick, at least.
Ashley quickly ran around the car to him and rubbed his back. "Are you sure you want to do this? You look really ill, sweetheart." He murmured tenderly.

Andy nodded and wiped his mouth. "Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine." He smiled weakly.
"But... Andy, you're really pale. And your eyes-" Ashley stopped himself. "Actually, that reminds me." He went back into the car and took something from the glove box. "Nearly forgot I got these for you. Since... Well. Your eyes..."
Andy frowned. "Oh.. yeah." He sighed and looked at the item. It was a pair of blue color eye contacts. Figures... He opened the car door once more and sat in the seat, using the rear-view mirror to put them in. He looked at Ashley.

"Do they look okay...?" He bit his lip.
Ashley smiled faintly and nodded. "Just like they used to, baby blue."

Andy smiled back and stood, shutting the car door. "Alright. Let's go in..." He exhaled shakily. Andy led Ashley inside the small bar, immediately hit with, not the scent of alcohol and smoke, but blood. Fresh, pumping, rushing blood of the occupants of the small establishment.
Ashley nudged him with his elbow, gaining his attention.
"Go talk to the bartender." He nodded to the currently empty bar.
Andy cleared his throat and approached.

"Uh- excuse me." Andy leaned on the bar. "I'm looking for someone..."
The bartender sighed. "And who might that !be, kid?"
Andy sat on a stool. "He had... um. I think he had- green eyes and- uh, brown hair? I think?"
"You think? And when did you last see this guy?"
Andy thought. "December... 29th."
The bartender narrowed his eyes. "So you're saying you haven't seen this guy in 11 months?"
Andy frowned a little. "What's the date today?"
Ashley sat by Andy and sighed. "It's November 12th."

"Was I- Was I gone for that long?" Andy's eyes widened.

The bartender raised an eyebrow. "Where were you that you didn't have access to a calendar, kid?"
Andy chewed on his lip. "I- Um. I was sick. Yeah. Really sick." He lied.

"You're a terrible liar, kid." The bartender shook his head and took off his sunglasses. "This why you were away?" He pointed to his hazel eyes containing specs of red.  Andy frowned.

"I- Yeah- Why are yours-?"
"Only have half of my DNA has.. it." He let out a heavy sigh. "What about you?"

Andy hesitantly took out of one of his color contacts. "I don't really-"
"Holy shit." Ashley gaped. "Andy, your eyes-"
"Purple." The bartender exhaled. "Oh my god. It's you."

Andy gave him a puzzled look. "Me?"
"The Prince of Darkness will be awakened in the time of need, and his eyes shall be the color of dark purple velvet..." The bartender muttered.
Andy swallowed thickly and looked at him with an increasing sense of panic. 

Ashley leaned on his arms, gazing at Andy with a new hint of awe in his expression. "The dark prince... Andy, you... Oh my god."
"Will someone explain what the hell is going on!?" Andy snapped. The bartender's expression of hope suddenly faded. He looked at Ashley.

"Excuse us, for a moment." He said and took Andy into a back room. "The prophecy. Have you heard of it?"
Andy furrowed his brow and leaned on the closed door. "No?" He sighed. "But- it rings a bell. Why does it ring a bell?"
"Locked away memories and knowledge you probably didn't even know you had?" The bartender smiled a bit. "The basis of the prophecy, though, is the Prince of Darkness, namely you, will show up and protect humanity from whatever it is causing this outbreak."
"Did it... mention anything about the prince going out of control?" Andy muttered.

"It- yeah. It did." The bartender frowned. "But that was more of a 'if the Prince strays...' thing. Why?"

Andy looked away silently.
"No reason. Just wondering."
"Are you-?"
"No." Andy glared and used his reflection in a picture frame to reapply the color contact. "May we see the security footage from December 29th, now?"
"Because the man I'm looking for is the man that slipped something in my drink, and whatever it was is causing this thing. And he's getting better at improving his formula, so if we chit-chat any longer, then we're as good as dead in the wake of a rabid vampire army." Andy rolled his eyes.

The bartender nodded quickly and rummaged around in a file cabinet of discs. "Uh- here. This is the disc from that week. You might need to fast forward a bit."

"Thanks." Andy took the disc and opened the door. 

The bartender sighed. "Your Highness, wait-"
"My name is Andy." Andy grimaced. The term 'Your Highness' made him feel weird.
"Be careful, and I mean it. The urges are tempting, but... once you go to far, there's no going back."
Andy cringed, nodding. "Thanks... I'll keep that in mind." He left the room.

Ashley looked up as Andy came back to the bar and stood up off of the stool.
"Good to go?" He asked. Andy showed him the disc and handed it to him.

"Wait for me in the car, please. There's something else I need to check." Andy drawled. Ashley frowned, but went to wait in the car. He trusted Andy had his reasoning.

Andy wandered to the back of the bar and out the back exit. He was following a scent that was quite intriguing... Like, blood and booze, and cigars. Sure enough, passed out cold, slumped in the corner of an alley, was a man. Andy looked around. No one was around...

He knelt down to the unconscious man and lifted his arm, rolling up the jacket sleeve.
"I'm sorry..." Andy whispered and allowed himself to fall into the temptation once again. The purple eyes hidden behind the blue contacts turned red, his teeth sharpened, and his body became slightly more muscular than usual. His vision was fuzzy and he felt dizzy as hell, but as soon as he got the fresh blood of the passed out man in his system, he felt re-energized. He wiped off his bloody mouth with the sleeve of the mans jacket, as to remain clean himself. Andy stood and felt himself return back to normal.

"I'm so, so sorry..." He whispered remorsefully to the dead man and returned to the car, where Ashley sat waiting.

"Hey. You look a lot better." Ashley cocked a brow.
"How so?" Andy asked casually as he buckled into the car.
"You don't look dead." Ashley laughed, only teasing.
Andy rolled his eyes. "Ha ha, very funny. I probably just looked like shit for throwing up like that... It's nothing, let's go."

Ashley frowned a bit. "Right. Home?"
"Yeah." Andy sighed and looked out the window. "Let's go home."

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