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A/N: so Mad Hatter by Melanie Martinez was playing when I was making the chapter picture featured above woops #itsasloppyeditdontjudgeme

Ashley camped out in his car across the street from the institution that Andy was confined in. It was definitely a new experience for him; waiting until the last of the day employees left so he could break out his vampire boyfriend. That was still incredibly weird. Andy wasn't just a vampire, either, no he just had to be the only remaining royal bloodline member. Could this get any weirder?

Honestly, Ashley felt like he was living in a movie.

Andy sat in his room, waiting just like Ashley was. He looked at the clock, watching the seconds hand slowly approach the 12 on the top. Once it hit, the time was exactly 11 pm. Everyone had left the building by now except the patients and the night-shift security. He closed his eyes, trying his very best to focus to send a thought to Ashley. Admittedly, Andy had no clue how he knew that he could do all of these thing. It just... felt natural.

'Alright. You're good to go.'

Ashley grimaced, looking towards the building. 'Y'know, it's fucking weird that we can talk like this. It's creepy.'

'Whatever. My door is locked, but I snatched the key from that orderly earlier today. So I can let myself out, I'll meet you out front.'

Ashley exhaled and turned the key in the ignition to start the car. He drove over into the institution parking lot, parking it at the front doors as he waited anxiously for Andy to get out.

Andy managed to get out of his room silently, using the incredibly cliche vampire speed to go unseen by the security guard that was assigned to watching the monitors. He maneuvered past the guard patrolling the ward hallway, his passing only feeling like a simple breeze to the unaware man. That probably alarmed him, as there were no windows in the hall, but it was no matter to Andy. By the time he would realize something was off, Andy would be long gone.

He made a stop by one of the offices, noticing a file cabinet. He curiously stepped inside and pulled open the top drawer. He scanned the alphabetized folder tags, finding the one labeled 'A. Biersack.' He pulled it out swiftly and opened it on the desk flipping through.

"What are you- Hey!" A voice caught him off guard. "What are you doing out of your room!? Get back!"
Andy straightened up slowly, turning. "Alright, hey, man. Look. I need to get out of here." he put his hands up to offer peace. "I think I know how to stop what-"
"Back to your room! Now!" The guard snarled, grabbing Andy forcefully and shoving him into the hall. Andy stopped dead in his tracks and his body went rigid. He slowly tilted his head to each side to crack his neck and turned to face the guard. Andy's eyes had become a horrifyingly angry red, and he looked as though his physicality had become slightly more masculine as opposed to his regular frail and slim build.
"You really shouldn't have done that." He snarled, and the guard caught a glimpse of his increasingly sharpened set of teeth. Not just the canines, but each tooth had a bit of a jagged point added to it. Before he could react in his defense, Andy had launched himself onto him, the teeth turned jagged fangs puncturing his flesh and digging themselves in deeply. He did it so fast that there was no time for the guard to scream, or take a breath, even. Andy was fast. Very fast.

He didn't know how long he had been attached to the guards neck, but when he pulled back he felt... empowered. He felt alive. That was, of course, until he saw and felt the blood that covered his mouth, and had dripped down over his grey sweater. Andy quickly wiped the fresh blood from his mouth beginning to panic. This wasn't right- This couldn't be right. Andy didn't have any blood thirst, he wasn't the monster everyone thought he was. He refused to be that.

Andy looked down and saw the security guards body laying in a dark pool of blood that leaked from the wound. It looked like Andy had pierced through deep enough to puncture an artery... Andy suppressed a whimper and quickly stripped off the bloody sweater he was wearing. Thankfully his white undershirt was still clean. He used the sweater to wipe his face, hopefully getting rid of the stain, and grabbed his file. With that, Andy booked it from the office and ran outside. By that time he was already back to his normal form, and he was panicking in his mind. He had just killed a man by biting him. Did he suck any blood? Fuck, he kinda did... Was this it, then? Was Andy... evolving?

He stopped briefly to look at his reflection in a window, relieved to see he looked.. normal. Good. He didn't want Ashley to know.

"Alright- I'm here." Andy burst into Ashley's car, fumbling with the seat belt. Ashley raised an eyebrow.
"Took you long enough." He teased a bit, leaving the parking lot. Andy was silent. "Are you okay, Andy?"
"I'm fine. Just drive." Andy said stiffly, looking down at the file in his hands.
"What's that?"
"Um, it's a file they had on me." He opened it, hiding the fact there was a bit of blood on the front. He flipped through it, quiet.

Ashley cleared his throat. "Are you hungry? There's a place not too far that's open all night, and I was thinking about stopping to get something. It's been a while since you've had real food, right?"
Andy pursed his lips. "No. I'm not hungry. Thanks, though." He replied awkwardly. I guess blood is pretty filling... Ashley sighed and pulled over on the side of the road. "What?"
Ashley narrowed his eyes. "What happened."

Andy looked him in the eyes. As of now, his eyes were a dull crimson as they bore into Ashley's brown orbs. "I..." He pursed his lips as his lower lip began to tremble. "I'm scared... I'm really scared, Ash..."
Ashley's face softened. He reached over and grabbed his hand, lifting it up to his lips. "I know, sweetheart. It's gonna be okay." he murmured and kissed his knuckles. "We'll find whoever is doing this and everything will be okay."
Andy nodded and looked out the window. "Yeah..." He whispered. But he knew in his heart that it wasn't going to be okay... Ashley had no idea what Andy was really scared of... He was scared of himself. No, actually, he wasn't scared.

Andy was terrified.

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