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Hence the chapter title.


Andy didn't exactly process the series of events that followed his remark towards Jared. All he really remembered was the words coming from his mouth... and then there were a few more exchanges. That was the fuzzy part, because not even a minute later he was out cold with a sharp pain in the base of his neck. 

He woke on the floor of a studio apartment. That's what it looked like, at least. It looked nice and cozy; someone clearly lived here. There was a clean rug, with a nice wooden coffee table and a white futon. There was quite a large flat screen TV placed on the opposite facing wall. Andy sat up, leaning against the wall he was next to. Where was he?

"Welcome to my humble abode, Andrew." Jared smiled, gesturing around. Andy had to admit... This place was the nicest thing he had seen in the past week. Definitely the cleanest.

"What am I doing here?" Andy groaned, closing his eyes. "What did you do to me?"
"Just a simple knock-out drug to get you here." The man before him, all done up in a suit and tie, shrugged and walked to the kitchen, which was visible from Andy's position. "Would you like anything to drink? Eat, perhaps?"
"No." Andy snarled.

Jared cocked a brow. "If you insist..." He poured himself a simple glass of wine and came back over. "Now... lets talk business."

"No." Andy said again.
"Why not? We're on the same team here, Andrew..." Jared sat on the futon slowly, watching Andy curiously. 
"Like hell we are!" Andy spat bitterly. "You're a special kind of fucked up if you think I'm ever going to cooperate with you!"

Jared tilted his head.

"Besides. It doesn't matter what side I'm on. I'm the royal one here, aren't I? I'm the superior." Andy snarled.

"Were..." Jared muttered.


"You were the superior... Now they answer to me." He shrugged casually. "I've promised our kind world domination, as cliche as that sounds. They like that. And what do you offer them?"

"Peace." Andy glared. "Safety."

Jared shook his head, clicking his tongue in disapproval. "That won't do it, my friend... They want power... blood..."

Andy grimaced, dropping his head to hang low. Even the mention of blood made his fangs poke out from his gums hungrily. He could feel the burn in the back of his throat intensify, and the ringing in his ears increase. His mind buzzed with want- no, with need. 

Jared smirked. "Hungry?" He set his wine glass down and knelt down to where Andy was. "We just got a fresh one earlier this week... Would you like to meet him?"

Andy shook his head quickly, muttering forceful protests against the idea but Jared wasn't having it. He stood and walked to the coffee table, where his phone laid face down. "He should be here soon." Jared looked at Andy again. "Poor guy is under the impression I'm turning you in." He stuck his lower lip out in a mocking pout before leaving the room to wait for whoever it was. 

While he was gone, Andy attempted to escape. He pushed himself up onto his feet and stumbled around, his legs a bit tingly and numb, but to no avail. There was no way for him to get out without being caught again. The studio was too high off the ground for a safe window exit, and there were no other doors besides the one Jared had just gone through. Andy put his hand up against the glass of one of the windows and sighed sadly. This was it, probably.

"There he is, Mr. Purdy. Right there. Just- Look at him! He's a monster!"

Andy whirled around and saw Jared, who had replaced his smug expression with that of a frightened victim. Beside him stood... Ashley? No, this wasn't right. This couldn't be right!
Why did he have a shot gun? What was going on?

Ashley advanced, lifting his gun. 

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