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Andy didn't stop there.

Oh no, his thirst was far from satisfied.

He didn't just bite the woman. He drained her. He sucked that bitch dry of her blood, until her skin was a ghostly white-grey, her empty veins dark and a bit visible beneath. Her eyes were lifeless and glassy. Her lips were chapped, dry, and colorless, just like her skin.

Andy, somehow in his blind, raging monstrous form, had just enough competence to dispose of the evidence. He picked up the corpse in his arms with little effort and crushed the phone under his foot as he stepped to leap over the railing of the porch. He saw the woods behind the white fence and continued on into the dark gathering of large trees. He dropped the lifeless body against a tree carelessly and got on his hands and knees, digging with his hands.

He kept digging, and digging, and digging, until he got a hole large enough to stuff the body. He didn't even bother to cover her entirely, throwing and kicking dirt on top of her before sitting up against a neighboring tree. He closed his eyes.

It had all tired him out so much, that he found no harm in catching a bit of sleep.
However when he awoke, it was sunrise. He scrambled to his feet, suddenly remembering that he had only thought to go out for a brief walk hours earlier, but it appeared he had fallen asleep... somewhere.

Andy froze. There was a good few hours of memory that was missing from Andy's brain, and it scared him. Did he do something? What happened? Had he blacked out? If he had, then how did he get in the woods?

Andy looked down at himself and his heart raced. His hoodie was stained with a dark substance that he knew to be blood, and there was dirt covering his jeans and under his fingernails. He looked in front of him slowly and saw an oddly shaped lump covered in loose dirt a foot or so away from him, and carefully stepped towards it. He hoped so desperately it was just a dead deer or something, but... Unfortunately it was not that.

No, it was the blood-drained body of the woman on the porch.

Andy didn't want to look anymore. He couldn't stomach the sight. As soon as he laid eyes on the damage he had done, he collapsed onto the tree by the body and proceeded to vomit. The sight alone made Andy physically ill, but the knowledge that he had done it...? Andy wiped his mouth with the hoodie sleeve and looked back at the body hesitantly. He had to do something about it... Clearly he wasn't the most clever about taking care of it before. Andy felt around in his back pocket and exhaled a sigh of relief when he found the new cigarette lighter he had purchased a few days ago. 

Andy looked at the dead woman.

"I'm so sorry." He said shakily. "I'm sure you were a truly lovely and kind woman... You deserved so much better... I'm so sorry..." Andy pursed his his lips as a tear rolled down along the side of his nose, touching his lips. It touched the tip of his tongue as he parted his lips again to exhale slowly, tasting the salt and warmth. More tears proceeded to fall as he gathered sticks and stray dead leaves to cover the body, and then lit a single branch, tossing it to the pile. The pile slowly caught fire, and eventually so did the body.

Andy stood there, watching the smoke begin to rise for a moment, before leaving it to burn away and extinguish itself. 

"Hey, I thought you were only going for a walk." Ashley said as soon as Andy came in through the front door. In his hand was a mug of coffee. There was no steam coming from it, leading Andy to believe it had been a while since it was brewed.

"I did, but I fell asleep when I sat down for a bit. It's no big deal. How long have you been up?" Andy asked, going to the sink to wash his hands.

"Don't you turn this conversation, I want to know whe-" Ashley stopped as Andy passed. "Andrew Dennis Biersack. What the fuck is that?"

Andy stiffened. "What?"
"Why the fuck is there blood all over you?" Ashley stood, setting the mug down. He glared, eyes looking Andy up and down. "Holy shit... Andy, did you- did you kill someone!?"

"You fucking liar! No one gets that much blood on their sweat shirt from a fucking cut. What did you do?" Ashley snarled.

"Nothing! Just drop it, please!" Andy grimaced.
"No. Why should I even trust you, huh? If you go out at night to fucking murder people, how can I be sure you're not really a monster. How can I be sure you're telling the truth about this shit about an apocalypse?" Ashley spat.

Andy's lips quivered. "Ashley... Baby, I promise, I-"
Ashley glared harder. "Save it, Andrew. Fuck you." He grabbed his phone.
"What are you doing!?"
"Calling the institution. It was such a mistake to help you break out of there." Ashley snarled. "You need help, Andy. Some major fucking help." He opened the dial pad. Andy squeezed his eyes shut.

"F- Forget!" Andy shouted desperately, hoping it'd work. "Forget about this. Forget you saw the hoodie. Forget you found out." He pleaded as he turned off the sink faucet and snuck off to the back room, where the washing machine was place.

As he grabbed a fresh pair of clothes from the laundry basket sitting by the dryer, and threw in his current clothes, he could hear Ashley mumble in a bit of confusion in the kitchen.

Andy fixed his hair and hesitantly went back to the kitchen. "A-Are you okay?" Andy bit his lip, hoping it had worked again.

Ashley looked up at him, eyes widening. "Andy? Where the hell were you?" He frowned. "You wrote me a note that you went out for a walk and-"
"I know, I'm sorry." Andy smiled sadly. "I'll be sure to come back faster next time."

Ashley nodded and took a sip of his coffee. "You better. Hurry up and get some breakfast, now. I think I got a lead."

Andy's eyes suddenly widened. "Wait- Really?"

Ashley nodded and grabbed a poptart package. "Yep. Here, that's your breakfast. Now get shoes and get in the car." He said as he dumped out the rest of his coffee and got his car keys.

Andy nodded, taking the poptarts from him and getting shoes on, going to the car.

"If you don't mind me asking... Where are we going?" Andy cleared his throat.
Ashley sighed. "I went through the security footage from the bar a few times, right? Well, I finally found the guy. I think. The camera had a good shot of you, and I saw the guy's hand slip something in your drink and I could kinda see his clothes. He had on a pretty nice looking suit, which makes me believe he has an office job of some sort... But I noticed something else." Ashley grinned a bit, smug.

Andy raised an eyebrow and looked over at the side-view mirror. "And that was?"
"He had a spider-web tattoo on the back of his hand, kinda by the thumb, y'know? Between the thumb and the index finger."
"So... Remember that news headline about two years ago? The former inmate that became head of business at-."
Andy cut him off, jaw dropping. "The local tax firm. No way.."
"And remember what question he was asked in the article?"
"Why he had a spiderweb tattoo..." Andy exhaled.
Ashley nodded. "There you go." He grinned. "His name was like- Jared something. Jared Tyson, I think. So- yeah. That's where we're headed. It's about two hours out of town though, so I hope you're down for a long ride."

Andy nodded, looking at him. "Let's get this son of a bitch."

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