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"How's your headache?" Andy asked awkwardly, sitting across from Ashley at the kitchen table. They hadn't done a lot of talking since Andy's little memory-wiping incident. In fact, Andy had purposely distanced himself from Ashley to collect his thoughts. It was kinda cool he could do it, but it was also a little scary.

What if that got out of control, too?

"Gone, now. Thankfully. It was the weirdest thing, though." Ashley furrowed his brow and played with the fork, nudging a pasta noodle around the plate. "It didn't really hurt, it was more like when you stand up too fast and get really lightheaded, but worse. I felt like my entire head was weightless."
"Huh. That is weird." Andy raised an eyebrow. "But I suppose it's not the weirdest thing we've experienced these past few days."
Ashley let out a light chuckle.

"Yeah, I suppose that's true..." He looked up at him, eyes locked on Andy. Andy blushed a little bit, looking down at himself and then back at Ashley, who was still staring.

"Nothing..." The corner of Ashley's mouth pulled into a fond smile, yet he kept staring. Andy straightened up a little.
"Then why are you staring?"
"Because you're beautiful." Ashley mused. Andy blushed darker.

"Shut up." Andy muttered. Ashley laughed and stood, collecting their dishes and carrying them to the sink to wash.

"Whatever you say, gorgeous." He teased. Andy rolled his eyes. "So how were the clothes?"
"What?" Andy frowned. "Oh, right. Yeah, they fit. Thanks for getting those. for me.""

Ashley shrugged as a response and washed the dishes.

Andy sighed and got up. "I'm gonna go to bed." He said after a few short moments of silence. Ashley nodded, making a hum in acknowledgement.

Upon arriving in the bedroom, Andy practically collapsed on the bed. He fell on it face first, groaning into the bed sheets. He was exhausted. He was worried.
There was that disgusting sense of regret bubbling in his gut as he laid there, on his stomach and cheek resting against the soft pillow. He really shouldn't have messed with Ashley's head like that, but at the same time, he didn't exactly mean to. It was technically an accident, wasn't it?

But Andy still could have told Ashley about what happened.... But would he even believe him? Maybe... Considering the recent events, it wouldn't be totally crazy. Maybe a bit out there, but not entirely.
It was whatever at this point. Not like it mattered. Andy was just beating himself up over something he couldn't change.

"Everything okay?" Ashley asked as he climbed into the bed next to him. Andy lifted his head and sighed, shifting positions to pull the blanket over him.

"Yeah." Andy mumbled and laid on his side. Ashley cocked an eyebrow.
"Are you really, now?" He hummed. "I sense you're lying to me."
Andy rolled his eyes. "You sense?"
"Yes. I'm your boyfriend, now tell me what's going on in that pretty little head of yours." Ashley cooed, scooting over and pulling him over to him.

Andy burrowed into his warmth. "Nothing." He murmured.

Ashley didn't respond. He knew better than to keep prying if Andy didn't want to talk.

So they just laid there in each others arms, enjoying the peace. It was the first time in a long time they were able to enjoy that...

Ashley sighed heavily and rubbed gentle circles into Andy's shoulder with his thumb. Andy heard the quiet exhale of breath and shifted his gaze upwards.
Ashley shook his head and combed his fingers through Andy's short hair gently.
"Nothing... I just missed you... I missed this." Ashley whispered. Andy closed his eyes and burrowed up close.
"Me too." Andy replied equally as soft.

Ashley fell asleep like that, holding Andy tightly under his arm and snoring softly.

Andy didn't fall asleep.

He laid awake, gazing at his sleeping lover with sad eyes. The guilt boiling in his gut wasn't going away any time soon, and his mind wasn't going to quiet down, so Andy decided he'd get some fresh air.

Just take a walk. That sounded like a good idea right now.

Carefully, Andy wormed his way out from under Ashley's arms, and grabbed a pair of old sneaker that sat by the closet. He put a hoodie on and neglected to put in his colored contacts, figuring it was late at night and no one would be out and about. He wrote a note for Ashley, just in case he woke up before Andy got back, to say he was out for some fresh air, and then left the house quietly.

Outside was just as quiet. Andy could hear the chirp of small crickets coming from the neighbors garden, and the sound of the wind rustling through the trees. It was pure peace.

Andy walked down the sidewalk, hands in the pockets of his hoodie and head tilted upwards. The light of the moon illuminated Andy's face, making the glow of his purple eyes even more bright.

His eyes were so weird. It seemed they only turned red when he was upset; agitated. Any other time, they were the calm and majestic purple... The color of royalty. Andy hated that. He hated that he was 'royalty.' He hated that he was 'special.' He hated that he was him at all.

Everything about him was different; even by vampire standards. Everything about him was fucked up; he was corrupted.

For fucks sake, he had become so self-critical over this whole thing, too. Everything had become an internal war between instinct and morals in his mind. It was a battle between humane and savagery... The savagery was beginning to win.

Andy stopped walking for a brief moment and closed his eyes, taking a deep breath in, and then letting it out slowly.

The burning in his throat was intensifying now. He had felt it earlier, but it was only a bit of a tickle, but now... it was near unbearable...

"Hey, aren't you that guy?" A woman standing out on her front porch caught Andy's attention. Andy's head snapped in her direction. He hadn't even realized he was standing in front of someone's home.
"What guy?" Andy replied calmly.
The woman, however, did not respond. Her face said it all. The moment she locked eyes with the illuminated purple iris', all color drained from her face and her jaw nearly fell to the wooden porch floor. She grabbed her phone off of the porch railing, and Andy stiffened.

"Hey, no- Don't do that." Andy said tightly, walking towards her, but she only continued to open her phone up to the dial pad. "I said don't do that!" He snarled, and before he knew it, he saw red.

There was the sound of the phone falling to the ground.

A stifled gasp, no time for even a complete intake of breath.

And then silence.

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