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"Something is up with you, Andy." Ashley sighed heavily as he made dinner, his back to the living room. Andy sat on the couch with his laptop, hugging a pillow to himself as he used the other hand to search the internet.

"Yeah, I'm vampire royalty and everywhere I go there seems to be someone who knows and I get treated like-"
"Royalty?" Ashley laughed, finishing his sentence.

Andy turned to look at him. "It's weird, alright? I love being the center of attention, but this is too much."
"Uh-huh, sure it is." Ashley teased.
"It is! You try going to a gas station and having the kid behind the counter bow and call you 'your Highness!'" Andy glared, referring to a situation that he had gotten himself into a few hours earlier. Long story short, Andy had went out to get some cigarettes and a new lighter, in hopes that picking up an old habit would kick his new 'habit.'

Unfortunately, much to Andy's discomfort and dismay, the girl behind the counter realized immediately and got out from behind the counter, got on her knees in front of him and bowed her head. The way she referred to him as 'Your Highness' and just the way she overall spoke to him made him want to rip his hair out and scream, but, of course, that was no way for supposed royalty to work, so Andy simply smiled awkwardly, nodded and mentioned he was only there to get cigarettes. Talk about awkward.

"I don't see why you're complaining. You got your stuff for free." Ashley shrugged. Andy sighed and laid back.

"I guess." He muttered. "It's still weird."
"Well get used to it, darling, because it seems like there's no more hiding for you." Ashley chuckled and presented him with a plate of fresh made stir-fry. "C'mon. It's your favorite."

Andy looked at the plate and sighed, taking it, along with the fork.

"What do you think about all of this?" Andy asked quietly, moving the food around with his fork.

Ashley sat beside him, folding his arms over his chest. "Well... I don't know. It's definitely going to be an adjustment, but you seem pretty in control of everything so far." He shrugged, but Andy cringed internally. He was anything but in control...  "It doesn't matter what I think, though. You're the one who's going through the most... What do you think?"
Andy set the fork on the plate. "I guess it's just weird to happen so suddenly like this, y'know?" He stared at the food. "I go to sleep as a human, and I.. wake up like this."
"Do you like being this?"
"Not really." Andy bit his lip. "It's made my senses stronger, sure, but I hate that I'll hear random thoughts from random people, and I hate that it's made my temper shorter, and I hate that I can't keep myself-" Andy stopped himself short, catching himself on what he was about to say.
Ashley noticed and looked at him oddly. "Can't keep yourself, what?"
"I- Can't keep myself.. hidden." He cleared his throat. "Y'know. From other people... Other vampires... These god damn eyes make it impossible to be subtle."

Ashley smiled a little. "I think your eyes are beautiful."
"No, you don't. You didn't look me in the eyes until up to a few weeks ago, remember? You were terrified of my eyes." Andy whispered.
"I was, then. But not now... I didn't understand, then. Your eyes are as crystal clear as they were when they were blue. They're vibrant and full of life, even when they're red."
"And purple?" Andy smiled a bit.
"Yes, Andy. And when they're purple." Ashley laughed quietly and pecked his cheek.

Andy closed his eyes and leaned against him to snuggle but Ashley stood up, causing Andy to pout slightly.

"Eat your dinner and go to bed." Ashley said. "I don't think you've slept since you broke out."
Andy sighed, nodding as he began to eat. He turned the TV on for a bit of background noise and nearly dropped his plate when he realized what the news channel was actually reporting. He stared in horror.

"Andrew D. Biersack, patient #3962, broke out of the rehabilitation facility on Thursday evening. He is pictured here on the right. If you see or hear anything regarding this man, call 911 immediately. He is highly, highly dangerous and infectious. We urge you to take extreme precautions in approaching this man, for following his escape, he brutally attacked and kil-"

Andy quickly shut it off as Ashley came into the room, heart racing in his chest and pounding in his ears. His blood ran cold in his veins and it took all of his strength to just speak.
"Ashley, they're looking for me."
"I figured..." Ashley sighed. "I got hair dye for you, just in case. You can take care of it tomorrow."
Andy nodded, standing up and scraping the rest of his food into a Tupperware for leftovers.

If Ashley had come in the room any later, he would have heard about what Andy did... That was close.

A/N: Hii short chapter sorry

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