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"What did he say to you?"

Andy didn't listen to the words spoken. He didn't listen to anything; he couldn't listen to anything besides the pounding of his heart and the racing thoughts in his mind. They'd been home for a few hours now, and still, the words weren't leaving him alone.

The echoing words that he had received from Jared taunted him. They loomed in his brain, haunting. 

"Andy. Hey, earth to Andy!" A hand waved in front of his face, snapping Andy out of his trance. Andy startled and his head jerked upwards to look at Ashley, whose facial expression showed mixes of concern and agitation.

"What did he say to you? He made me unaware of what was going on for a reason, Andy, so obviously he told you something important." Ashley raised an eyebrow. "What was it?"

Andy swallowed thickly, eyes darting around anxiously as he thought of what to say.

"Uh- Well, he- Basically... I don't know, apparently- apparently he's also a royal bloodline vampire?" Andy bit his lip. "But- not? Like... His direct family is part of royal blood but-"

"Bad apples of the family?" Ashley cocked a brow. "Makes sense. Sounds like this is becoming a stereotypical movie plot, but alright... What else?"

Andy pursed his lips. "Um..." he thought for a few moments. There was that whole 'brother' thing, then the war, and then he talked about Andy... Jared had told Andy that he needed his help, otherwise he'd lose control, but Andy wasn't that gullible. Andy didn't need anyone's help, especially not that psychopath's.

But did he really not need any help? Or was his pride getting the best of him?

"Andy?" Ashley frowned. Andy looked back up at him.
"I don't think there was anything else. Sorry, it's just been a long day. Wow." He laughed awkwardly and stood from the couch. Andy walked past Ashley, who furrowed his brows in slight suspicion.

"Nothing at all?" He turned his body to follow Andy with his gaze as Andy disappeared into the kitchen.
"Nah, not really." Andy shook his head, shouting so Ashley could hear him. He hung around the kitchen, looking out the window. "I'm gonna go get some fresh air. I need to think." He pushed off the counter and slipped shoes back on.
Ashley didn't say anything as Andy left the house, walking calmly down the steps of the porch and glancing down the street. It was clear that in the time he was gone, the police had been here. At the house where Andy had... attacked the poor woman, there was yellow police tape, strung across the beams of the porch and the door. And chewed on his lip and walked the opposite direction. He didn't need to think about that right now. Or... maybe he did.

Slowly, but surely, Andy was losing himself, and in result, others were losing their lives. Andy was turning, quite literally, into the monster he was promising not to be.
Here he was, hellbent on stopping Jared from succeeding with his sick plan to wipe out 'the humans,' yet he was the one that was killing people. Did that make him just as bad as Jared? Or maybe even worse?

Andy couldn't take it anymore.

He sank down to his knees on the sidewalk and closed his eyes, allowing himself to finally cry. He hadn't cried in a while.

Or had he?
It felt like he hadn't. His eyes felt so dry, and his heart felt so swelled with pain and fear. What would happen if Ashley upset him in the future, and Andy hadn't fed? What would happen...? Would Andy lose control and attack him, too? The thought was scary.
The fact that Andy had no certainty in telling himself he wouldn't dare do such a thing was scarier. 

"Andy? Baby, what's wrong?" Ashley had gone to follow Andy, only to step outside onto the porch and see his love crumpled down onto the sidewalk a few feet away. He ran without hesitation and scooped him up into his arms. "Sweetheart, talk to me."

Andy didn't look at him. How could he? He was ashamed. He had killed people so viciously; so heartlessly, but he was still acting as though he hadn't. Andy was lying. He was lying to himself, to the world, and to Ashley. So, basically everyone...

"I'm scared, Ashley." Andy whispered, wiping his eyes with his sleeve and staring at the dirty sidewalk.
"I know." Ashley sighed. "I am, too."
"No- No, you don't get it." Andy shook his head. "You don't have to save the world, Ashley."
"The world? I thought it was just LA." Ashley blinked.
Andy rolled his eyes and pulled himself out of Ashley's arms, brushing himself off and wiping his eyes again. "It is, but do you really think he's going to stop there?" Andy muttered. "Everyone is depending on me to do something because I'm a prince or something. I didn't ask for this, Ashley! I didn't ask to even be born, but here I am!" He looked around. "I'm here, and I'm a wreck, and I have the weight of the world on my shoulders."

Ashley frowned, eyes full of sadness and pity. "Come back inside, Andy." He said gently, putting an arm around his boyfriend.
"Why?" Andy mumbled, looking back at his shoes.

Ashley sighed, nudging him to the porch regardless. "So I can make you tea and cuddle you until you feel better." He murmured, kissing his temple. Andy smiled weakly.
"I mean it." Ashley smiled back, soft and warm. "You need to relax for a while. Ever since you got back home, you've been all over the place. It's time you take a load off and just relax. Okay?"

Andy sighed, stepping inside and kicking his shoes off. "Okay."

A/N: rip idk where to go with this im loSING MOTIVATION HELP ME

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