I'll Save You

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Caitlin was in critical condition. She'd been kidnapped by a metahuman who could read people's minds. Tommy Gregory, or Psyche, had ruthlessly kidnapped Caitlin because he knew that Barry was in love with her. He also knew that Caitlin was in love with him too. He knew that they would die for each other. So he wanted to put that theory to the test. Barry had managed to save Caitlin but just in time. Although she wasn't in the clutches of the metahuman she was still in a lot of danger. She'd lost a lot of blood and was dying. 

Barry flashed her there then left and returned as Barry Allen. He asked the doctors how she was doing but they didn't tell him much. Only that they were prepping her for surgery and they'll no more after. Sometimes barry forgot that not everyone had super healing. Caitlin was one of those people but Barry couldn't afford to lose her. He needed her and loved her so much but couldn't help feeling that her kidnapping was his fault.

When Cisco arrived he sat with Barry. "It's not your fault," Cisco consoled. "It is. If I didn't have these feelings for her then she wouldn't be in such a critical condition. She wouldn't be in danger of losing her life," Barry explained, starting to cry. "Listen, Caitlin knows the risks of working with you. We both do. But she wouldn't work with you if she couldn't handle it. And I know she loves you too. You just have to tell her how you feel," Cisco reassured.

"Mr. Allen and Mr. Ramon, your friend is out of surgery. She's asleep but you can go see her. The surgery went well but we'll have to monitor her progress," The Doctor approached the two of them.

Barry and Cisco went inside of Caitlin's room. She was sleeping. So peaceful and beautiful. Barry couldn't help but stare. She just looked so cute. 

After an hour Caitlin finally woke up. Barry's hand was in her's which she liked. Right, where they belonged. Together. "B-barry" she groaned. "Hey Cait, how are you feeling?" Barry smiled. "Better, thank you for saving me," Caitlin answered softly. "It's nothing, all the times you've saved me,". "Cait, I need to tell you that I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you, and I know you feel the same way,". "I love you too,". "I guess it just took the threat of losing you to realise how much I loved and needed you,". They started to kiss. Caitlin was still lying on the bed so she tried to sit up so they could deepen the kiss. "Owww!" she groaned as her head started to spin. "Baby, you should probably stay lying down," Barry laughed. The way he called her "baby" sent shivers down her spine. 

"You're safe now, I'll protect you,"

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