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Disclaimer: This chapter is extremely sad.

Barry woke up happy. It was a good day. The sun was shining, there wasn't a cloud in sight and as he entered STAR labs it didn't seem that there were any emergencies for him to go and interrupt. Except something was missing.

He saw Cisco, HR, Wally, Joe, Iris and... No Caitlin. That was strange. Normally she was the first one here. She was always up bright and early so she would be right here to take care of him in case he got hurt. It was something he had always cherished about her. The fact that she cared.

"Where's Cait?" he asked.

"I don't know. I called her but it went straight to voicemail. And she didn't leave any messages here," Cisco replied.

"I'll go to her apartment. Just to see if everything is okay," Barry stated before running off to her apartment. But as he entered everything looked the same. Everything was in place and nothing was out of order. Except, still, there was no Caitlin.

After taking a look around and calling her name many times, he left. Assuming that she was on her way. 

"She's not at her apartment. Everything was normal," Barry stated as he returned to STAR labs. 

"Barry..." Cisco stated worriedly, turning his attention to the screen. The news was playing and the cameras were all directed at a figure on a tall skyscraper. you could just about make out that it was a woman but nothing much else. But as the cameras focussed on her they all immediately recognized her. Caitlin.

Before anyone could say anything, Barry was already gone.

"Cait! Please don't do this!" he called to her as he arrived on top of the building, causing her to turn towards him his heart breaking as he saw her distressed face.

"I have to. I'm a danger to everyone. The whole city. I can't become her, I have to do this," she replied.

"Cait, I promised I would help you. I can't abandon you. I won't. We care about you too much to let you do this. We all love you. You're my best friend. We have been through so much together, you can't give up," he reasoned with her, trying to stop her.

"I've tried and fought for so long now. But I can't do this any longer. Not when I can hurt the people and care and love most. You have to understand. I'm doing this for your own good," she replied.

"Our own good? Cait, we need you. I need you. We're a team. The only thing that is for our own good is for you to come back to STAR labs right now with me. We can fix this,"

"I don't think we can. I've tried so hard to find a cure for these powers but I can't. Perhaps, this is the only cure. Just let me do this,"

"Please, Cait. I'm begging you don't do this," Barry pleaded, tears falling down from his eyes, realizing that he might not be able to save her. She meant too much to lose. He'd lost too much already. Not her. Anyone but her. First his mom, then his dad. Iris could be next. Now Caitlin. He attempted to walk toward her but her eyes sparked blue and he was forced to take the step back and her eyes reverted back to their original brown state and color. 

"Promise me that you'll tell my mom that I'm sorry for everything and tell her that I love her. Cisco, you've been the best friend I could ever ask for. And Barry, thank you for helping we gain my smile back through everything," she asked, knowing that Cisco and rest of the team could hear her then took one step forward.

And in that one step, she was falling. Free falling. And although he tried to run after her and catch her, Barry wasn't fast enough. She was gone.

As he reached the ground, he found her lying on the pavement. Her body dead and lifeless.

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