Visit From The Future

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Team Flash was at STAR labs working on a new metahuman threat when a someone sped in out of nowhere. It wasn't Barry, wait it was Barry but he looked older. "What the what?". "I need your help," the other Barry said.

After a few minutes, the team understood that this Barry was from five years in the future. "So why are you here?" Cisco asked. "My wife, a metahuman infected her with a deadly poison and the antidote needs some of her healthy blood to complete it so my Cisco sent me here to get some,"
"Should I call Iris?" Caitlin asked, she didn't even wait for an answer and grabbed her phone but was interrupted.
"I'm not married to Iris,".
Everyone was pretty shocked by this statement considering they were dating in this time and everyone had seen the byline on that article.
"Then who are you married to?" Cisco asked.
"I can't really tell you, I've already screwed up the timeline multiple times. Don't wanna do that again. Plus, she'll kill me if I tell you,"
"Well, how can we get the blood if we don't know who we need to get it from?" Caitlin asked.

Present Barry had been speechless since his future self had said he's not married to Iris. He thought that they would be together forever but obviously he was wrong.

"I know what you're all thinking and Iris and I didn't last long. It just wasn't working because it felt so weird and then I realised I was in love with someone else and we split as friends and I dated and eventually married the girl I was in love with and now we're both happy. I know this could really mess things up but my pregnant wife is dying and I need her blood so for her and our daughter I will tell you who my wife is. You may want to sit down,"

Everyone looked confused. "Okay, but don't say I didn't warn you,"
This time everyone heeded his advice and sat down in their chairs.

"How long have you been together?" Present Barry asked, wondering when he and Iris will break up.

"Almost five years,"

"So not long till she and I..."

"Yeah. Don't freak out but I'm married to Caitlin,"

The whole room went deadly silent and everyone looked from present Barry to Caitlin. Clearly shocked, Caitlin grabbed a syringe, filled it with her blood and handed it to future Barry. "Thanks, I've got to go. I hope that when I get back I'm still married to Cait and nothing has changed," he paused for a few moments then continued. "We're very happy. People always say that we look like the perfect couple and I know that it might be strange but I know that you love each other because I was you once and we were in love then and we still are now, maybe you just don't see it yet," then he ran back to the future.

"Well I'm just gonna go," Cisco said awkwardly, walking out the room.
"Yeah I've got to go to CCPD," Joe left as well, leaving Barry and Caitlin alone.

"Well, that was awkward," Caitlin murmured awkwardly.

"Look, maybe future me was right. Maybe we are, you know, in love and we don't see it. We must be if we are married and having a baby in five years time,"

"What exactly are you trying to say, Barry?"

"Maybe I'm trying to say that I love you,"

"But what about Iris?"

"Didn't you listen to anything he said? I know you love me too so,"

"I love you too,"

They kiss and for the first time they felt like things were clicking into place.

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