First Christmas Together Part 4

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It was Christmas Eve and only one more sleep until Barry would propose to Caitlin and it was finally dawning on him that if she says yes then they'll be getting married.

Which may seem like a no-brainer but it finally started to feel real and less surreal but it did not scare him, surprisingly, it just made him more excited to 'pop the question'.

"Hey, Cisco," Barry greeted the mechanical engineer who was busy making another one of his 'toys' in his workshop.

"Hey, dude," Cisco replied, concentrating on the gadget that he was tinkering with so he didn't turn to face him.

"I'm planning on proposing to Cait tomorrow and I just wanted to let you know, before I... You know, as," Barry informed, talking really fast so he could get it out as quick as possible. And for a second Cisco carried on tinkering as if he hadn't heard what he had said but as if something just clicked in his brilliant mind, he put the gadget down and turned to face Barry.

"That's great!" he exclaimed in joy and the two best friends shared a 'bro-hug'. "Who else knows?" he asked.

"Other than you and I, Joe. I'll tell everyone else after I ask. I hope she says yes. I love her and I want to marry her, I just hope that she wants to marry me," Barry replied.

"Of course, she does. I've known Caitlin for a long time and I know that she loves you and I'm 100% sure that she'll say yes. And that's a fact. Dibs being the best man," Cisco smiled, making both men laugh.

"You and Oliver," Barry replied.




After talking to Cisco, Barry went to see the two people that he missed most in his life. His parents.

It saddened him that they couldn't be there for the wedding, if Caitlin says yes of course. But everyone was sure that she would accept.

"Hey mom, dad. Tomorrow it's Christmas. Mine and Cait's first together and I'm planning on proposing. I'm gonna ask here to marry me! I always thought that it would be Iris that I would marry but I was so wrong. I guess I finally realised that the woman that I love was right in front of me the whole time. I still can't believe that I didn't see it before," he started rambling.

"Until the last few months, I didn't see how beautiful she really is and how her smile lights up the whole world and how intelligent and purely genius she is. Every time, she was kidnapped I would feel... Like there was a massive hole in my life, in my heart. I guess at the time I would think I felt this way because she was a friend but now I know that I feel this way because I'm in love. With her," he continued, not taking notice of the snow that started to fall.

He smiled as it reminded him of her. Particularly her last name. Caitlin Snow.

Then he realised that how much he wanted to change her last name. And soon it would change.

Caitlin Allen.

It sure had a nice ring to it.

"I guess I should've realised sooner. Mostly, because I think I fell in love with her almost as soon as I met her, and that was many years ago. When I was still pining for Iris, I should've realised ages ago that Cait was the one that I loved the whole time,"

"Especially, when I remember the feeling I got when she married Ronnie. The feeling I got when Zoom kidnapped her, or Snart, or Grodd. And when Killer Frost took over too. I guess what I'm trying to say is that: I can't believe that I didn't know how strongly I feel about her, how much I love her, sooner and that might be my biggest regret in life because the more time we are together the better and all that time we wasted, could have been time together," he reminisced.

After talking to them for a few more minutes, Barry left, leaving some flowers to keep them company.

It felt nice to talk about that. Even if they couldn't say anything back. He just needed to let those words and feelings out. 

And now everything felt so much better then it did before and he could not wait for tomorrow. 

It will be the best Christmas ever...

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