Secret Relationship

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Caitlin was watching TV in her apartment. She wasn't really concentrating on it, though, mostly because her boyfriend was on her mind. They'd only been together for a month but they were only together to each other, not anyone else. Keeping your relationship a secret is truly horrible but Caitlin is so in love that she couldn't even think about ending it.

Knock! Knock!

Caitlin opened the door and found an upset Barry. "What happened?" Caitlin asked worriedly, pulling hi inside and onto her sofa. They cuddled for a few minutes in silence, other than the sniffs of tears until Caitlin broke it.

"What happened?" she asked softly. "Anniversary of my Dad's death. It's been a whole year and Iris has been asking me all day where I was last night. I couldn't take any more of her questions. I just wanted to see you 'cause I know you're the only person who can make me feel better, right now,"

"Shhh, it's okay,". "It's not okay, Iris will find out about us and..." he was cut off. "That doesn't matter. The only thing that matters is you, I'm here for you and I love you,". "I love you too"

The truth was that Barry loved Caitlin and Caitlin loved Barry but Barry was dating Iris and couldn't break up with her. 

"Come on, you need sleep," Caitlin said softly, taking his hand.


The next morning Caitlin woke up to the sound of a phone ringing. She lifted her head and looked at her bedside table and saw that it was Barry's phone and Iris was calling. Caitlin knew if he didn't answer she'd suspect something but Barry was sound asleep and he really needed the rest. However, if Caitlin answered the phone then Iris might find out. 

She took her chances and declined the call. Afterwards, she felt the strong pull of Barry pulling her back closer to him. "Morning,". "Did you sleep well?" Caitlin asked. "You're hiding something,". "I'm not,".

"Fine, Iris called. How long are we gonna keep this up for?" Caitlin caved. "Not much longer, I promise,". "It's not fair. I hate having to hide our relationship. I just want the whole world to know that I'm in love with Barry Allen,"

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