This Feeling

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It had been a few days since Zoom had been defeated and Caitlin had been suffering non-stop. And Barry had been the only one who was able to comfort her, he always made her feel safe and no one else could ever fill his role in her life.

And there they were, together, At Caitlin's place, watching a movie, cuddled together, Anyone who saw them could swear they were a couple but they weren't. 

Whenever they were together, all of Caitlin's fear went away completely and she felt at home and at peace with her life. No one could ever have this effect on her, no one could ever make her feel this way. 

Whenever they were together, Barry felt all his feelings for Iris go away completely and those feelings were replaced with the overwhelming desire to protect Caitlin, mo matter what. At times, he felt himself physically doubting his feelings for Iris and considering his unconditional love for Caitlin, whether it was more than friendship.

But the more time they spent together, the more the mutual desire for each other grew. The desire for comfort and protection and, most prominently, love.

"Are you feeling this too? Or is it just me?" Barry asked quietly.

"Yes, I'm feeling this," she replied.

They sat in silence for a few seconds. Thinking about what to do next. They were so close and the feeling was unshakeable. Neither were sure what it was or what had caused it. It felt like love but it was new and mysterious and different from any other feeling in the world. All they knew was that they had strong feelings for one another.

"What is this?" she asked.

"I don't know but I do know that I'm completely in love with you," he replied.

"I'm completely in love with you too," she murmured, biting her lower lip and her eyes were darker than usual, hooded with desire. "But what about Iris,"

"I don't think I can be in love with her when I can't stop thinking about you. I want you, not her anymore," he replied, looking her right in the eye, his eyes too were hooded with desire.

"Then you can have me," she murmured and they were so close there was no space between them and centimetres in between their lips which were dying to taste each other. But they couldn't handle the intensity any longer and indulged themselves in a kiss. 

And they couldn't get enough of each other.

Their hands roaming free on each other's bodies and the kiss deepening further. They kept a mutual silence only broken by deep moans. After a few minutes, they found themselves going in the direction of the bedroom in each other's arms, their clothes being abandoned somewhere along the way. 

Tonight was their night. The first of many. It was just them, in silence. Surrendering to their deepest desires...

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