14: Gym Closet

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next morning

It was already Monday and both Kyungsoo and Chanyeol had to wake up early. 'Why did it had to be Monday? Why can't it be Saturday?" Chanyeol whined, "We can't do anything about it" Kyungsoo said. Chanyeol had no other choice but to get out of bed and put fresh new clothes, the bad thing was that Chanyeol changed infront of Kyungsoo. 'Damn you, Chanyeol why couldn't you go to the bathroom and change?!' Kyungsoo thought to himself, Kyungsoo pretended not to notice and continued packing his bag.

"Oh, Kyungsoo remember that today we have P.E" Chanyeol said, Kyungsoo facepalmed forgetting today was P.E, his least favorite course. "Ugh! I hate P.E" Kyungso said as he opened his bag and grabbed a pair of shorts, "I also hate P.E, like you say we can't do anything about it" Chanyeol said. Now Kyungsoo was the one who began to whine, Chanyeol thought that his whine was adorable. "Let's go to class" Chanyeol said, Kyungsoo nodded and followed Chanyeol out the dorm. Jongdae and Baekhyun were out of their dorm when they saw Chanyeol and Kyungsoo leaving the dorm.

"Do you think the plan would work? Besides we need more people to help us" Jongdae asked, Baekhyun gave Jongdae a smile, "You're forgetting that I do magic, so it's going to be a piece of cake. Trust me" Baekhyun said and started walking, "If you say so" Jongdae said and followed Baekhyun. "But is going to go as we want it to?" Jongdae asked, "Today we have P.E. so that is going to be the perfect opportunity to get them together" Baekhyun grinned. "Let's just hope the plan works" Jongdae said as he still had doubt.

"What plan?" someone asked, Baekhyun and Jongdae flinched and looked back. They saw Sehun and Jongin right behind them, "Did you guys hear the anything?" Baekhyun asked. "Well not really, we just heard about a plan that you guys have" Jongin said, Jongdae looked at Baekhyun, "Can we trust them?" Jongdae asked. "I guess" Baekhyun said, "Come on tell us, we want to know. We promise not to tell" Sehun said. Baekhyun was still unsure if he should tell Jongin and Sehun, he had no other choice but to tell them.

Class time

Everyone went to class, after 5 day of College humans and demons got along just fine. "It's nice to see humans and demons get along" Kyungsoo said as Chanyeol and him went to math class, Chanyeol's least and Kyungsoo's favorite class. "Can I skip math?" Chanyeol said as he was about to enter the class, "No, math is really easy. You just have to pay lots of attention" Kyungsoo said. "I don't like math, I at math" Chanyeol said, Kyungsoo laughed and they both entered the room.

Math was boring as usual for Chanyeol he didn't understand a single word the teacher said and they had 2 pages of math homework. The class was dismissed and Chanyeol was the last one to get out of class along with Kyungsoo, "Hey Kyungsoo I was wondering if you could help me with my homework, cause you know I at mat?" Chanyeol asked. "Yeah of course I will help you" Kyungsoo said and smiled, his lips making a heart shape, "Thanks" Chanyeol said and went to his Social studies class. 


"Just 10 more minutes and we get to go to P.E" Sehun told Kyungsoo, Kyungsoo rolled his eyes. "Don't even tell me, cause you all know that I hate P.E" Kyungsoo said to both Jongdae and Sehun. Jongdae and Sehun both exchanged smiles when Kyungsoo wasn't looking, "We know you hate P.E, but it's just for today" Jongdae said. "Well it's good that it's just for today and every other Mondays" Kyungsoo said, "You have to deal with it Kyungsoo hyung" Sehun said. Kyungsoo sigh, he just wanted the day to be over soon.

"Ok, guys I am your Coach, and what a great start to P.E by playing dodgeball" The Coach said with a smile on his face. 'Damn it!! This is why I hate P.E, we always have to play dodgeball! Damn you Coach!' Kyungsoo cursed in this thoughts. Everyone whined but they had no choice but to play the game, Coach blew the whistle and everyone threw a dodgeball, there was a lot of tried so hard not to get out but they were tagged by the ball. Kyungsoo and Baekhyun were one of those people.

"Great job gentlemen, I will need volunteers to pick up all the balls" Coach said, "Chanyeol and Kyungsoo can do it!" Baekhyun immediately said. "Great Kyungsoo and Chanyeol please pick up all the balls and put them in the gym closet" The Coach said, "Yes Coach" Chanyeol said. Everyone left but only Kyungsoo and Chanyeol were there picking up all the balls, they both picked the balls and put them in a sack. "We are done" Chanyeol said, "Yeah now it's time to put it in the closet" Kyungsoo said.

Chanyeol walked towards closet along with Kyungsoo and the sack of balls. "Whoa~ This closet is really warm" Chanyeol said, Kyungsoo waited outside the closet when someone pushed him into the closet and closed the doors. "What happened?" Chanyeol asked as he helped Kyungsoo get up, "I don't know, but someone pushed me and closed the doors. (The closet lights are on) Chanyeol banged on the doors, "Hey is someone out there?!" Chanyeol yelled, "We won't let you out until you guys talk about something!" Chanyeol and Kyungsoo both reconized the voice, it was Baekhyun's.

"Baekhyun get us out of here!!" Kyungsoo said, "No Kyungsoo, we will let you guys out unless you tell him what we talked about yesterday" Jongdae suddenly said. "Tell me what?" Chanyeol asked as he looked at Kyungsoo, "JONGDAE, WHEN WE GET OUT OF HERE I WILL KILL YOU!!!" Kyungsoo yelled. "You too Chanyeol tell him" Baekhyun said, "Shut up Baekhyun!!" Chanyeol yelled. "Tell me what?" Kyungsoo asked, Jongdae and Baekhyun were both running out of patience. "Kyungsoo either you tell him or I'll tell him for you!" Jongdae yelled.

"I'll also do the same Chanyeol!" Baekhyun said, Kyungsoo and Chanyeol didn't know what to do. "Fine, I'll speak!" Chanyeol said and turned to look at Kyungsoo, "Kyungsoo I like you" Chanyeol said, Kyungsoo eyes widen at the confession and his heart began to race faster. Baekhyun and Jongdae were jumping up and down in excitement, "Kyungsoo we're waiting!" Jongdae said. "I like you too" Kyungsoo blurted out and blushed, Chanyeol couldn't believe it but he was happy to hear the confession. "WE KNEW IT!!! Chanyeol ask him out!!" Jongdae said.

"Kyungsoo do you want to go out with me?" Chanyeol asked, "Yes!" Kyungsoo said. Chanyeol smiled and gave Kyungsoo a hug, both of them could hear both Baekhyun and Jongdae fanboying. Finally the doors opened and Kyungsoo and Chanyeol got out of the closet holding hands. "So happy for you guys!!" Baekhyun said as he pretended to cry. "Thanks for locking us inside the closet cause then I would've never known that Kyungsoo and I share the same feeling" Chanyeol said, "But right now you guys better run" Kyungsoo said. Baekhyun and Jongdae began to run like no tomorrow, Chanyeol and Kyungsoo chasing after them laughing and full of smiles.

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