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The next day Chanyeol was feeling better and decided that it was time to got to class. "Are you sure that you can go to class?" Kyungsoo asked, he was still a little concerned about the whole voice coming back. "Yeah, I'm fine. For now I'm hungry!" Chanyeol said with a huge smile on his face. Kyungsoo gave out a little laugh, "You are still the same old Chanyeol. You are going to eat normal human food okay?" Kyungsoo said. Chanyeol looked at Kyungsoo, "Why? I just want some blood and an apple" Chanyeol said with a little pout on his face.

"You are eating waffles today, no agruing" Kyungsoo said. "Please, Kyungsoo! Just for today let me drink some blood and eat an apple" Chanyeol pleaded, "What did we agree on?" Kyungsoo said as he raise his an eyebrow. Chanyeol's lips turned into a sad pouty face, "I know, but just for today" Chanyeol said as he did puppy eyes. Kyungsoo couldn't stand looking at his eyes, 'Why does he have to have cute and adorable eyes!?!' Kyungsoo said to himself. Kyungsoo gave out a big sigh, "Fine, but just for today" Kyungsoo said. Chanyeol smiled and gave Kyungsoo a big tight hug, "I love how you worry about me" Chanyeol said. 

"I'm just worried about your health" Kyungsoo said, "But still it's just cute that you care for me" Chanyeol said. "Shut up, and let's go eat breakfast" Kyungsoo said as his face was bright pink, Chanyeol smiled and followed Kyungsoo outside the dorm. "Oh hyung, are you better?" Jongin said as Sehun and him saw both Kyungsoo and Chanyeol coming outside of there dorm, "Yeah, I was just sleeping in bed all the day yesterday. Did I miss anything for Social Studies?" Chanyeol asked. Jongin shook his head, "Nope, we just learned about the history of Egypt" Jongin said.

"Well, that's all I wanted to know. Now let's go to eat breakfast" Chanyeol said as they all went towards the cafeteria. They all walked down to the cafeteria and saw Baekhyun and Jongdae eating together. "Why are you people so lonely?" Kyungsoo asked as he sat down in front of Baekhyun, "Nothing we were just eating and talking about a lot of random stuff." Baekhyun said. Chanyeol sat down next to Kyungsoo with a big smile, "Hey Chanyeol, glad you are better" Jongdae said. "Yeah, feeling better. But I'll feel better if you can make my breakfast" Chanyeol said.

Baekhyun rolled his eyes, "Are you kidding me Chanyeol?" Baekhyun said, Chanyeol just gave a smile. "Fine" Baekhyun said as he got his magic wand and a warm cup of blood appeared. Chanyeol's stomache started to growl, he didn't realize that his fangs were peaking out of his mouth a bit, everyone stared at his fangs. Chanyeol drinked the warm blood and felt full that he gave out a smile, he saw that every eyes were on him, "Why are you guys looking at me?" Chanyeol asked. "Your fangs are peeking out a bit" Kyungsoo said.

Chanyeol traced his teeth with his tongue, as he traced his teeth his tongue touched his fangs and a bit of blood came out of his tongue

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Chanyeol traced his teeth with his tongue, as he traced his teeth his tongue touched his fangs and a bit of blood came out of his tongue. "This has never happen before" Chanyeol said as he tried to put his fangs back up his gums, his fangs disappeard and now had normal teeth. "This is wierd, why are your fangs coming out everytime you see blood? Are you alright?" Jongin said, they all looked concerned, but Kyungsoo was much more worried. Chanyeol shrugged, "I don't know, I didn't even feel my fangs coming out which is wierd because when they come out it hurts" Chanyeol said.

"Just 3 more days" the man said as he was sitting in his office, Junmyeon the servant was just standing there with no words to say. The man looked at his servant, "Aren't you going to say something?" the man asked, "Sir, why is it that you care so much about Chanyeol?" Junmyeon asked. The man gave out a small evil laugh, "You will know. Once the 3 days are over, yet if he hasn't drinked blood from a food source, it will be a battle!" the man said as grinned evily. "But Sir, you can't do that, Chan----" "SILENCE" the man said. Junmyeon closed his mouth.

"Don't you say anything! Remember that I saved your life and turned you into one of me, when you were a worthless human" the man said. Junmyeon felt his chest to tighten, "Now leave, I don't need you for now" the man said. "Yes, sir" Junmyeon said as he bowed and got out of his boss' office, Junmyeon walked away from the office his hands turned into fists.

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