30:Teach me how to fight

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Kyungsoo woke up in the white room of the nurses office. "Oh Kyungsoo you are ok?" a voice said next to him, Kyungsoo turned around to see Jongdae, Baekhyun, Sehun, Jongin and Chanyeol right by his side. "Yeah, I'm ok. Chanyeol what about your father" Kyungsoo said as he tried to move but was stopped by Chanyeol, "Don't move remember that your arm is broken" Chanyeol said. Kyungsoo relaxed in bed, "I still don't understand how your father got here? How did you meet him?" Jongin asked as he looked at Chanyeol.

"The voice that was in my mind was actually my father's voice." Chanyeol explained, everyone was silent except for Jongdae. "But why would he do this to Kyungsoo?!?! Kyungsoo didn't do anything to him!!" Jongdae asked. "My father told me last night that the only reason he wanted a son was so that he could be the father of the most powerful vampire that has ever lived" Chanyeol explained, "Your father went over the limit of hurting Kyungsoo. Does he even care about your happiness?" Jongin asked as he looked at Chanyeol.

"No, the only reason he wanted a son was so that the son was powerful" Chanyeol said. Everyone stood silent for a while without saying a word, Baekhyun decided to break the silent that was taking over the place. "Chanyeol, have you ever thought that after the fight you need to stop your father, like fight him or..... kill him?" Baekhyun said the last words as a whisper, Jongdae looked at Baekhyun. "Do you want Chanyeol to be a murderer?!?! No!!" Jongdae yelled. "Jongdae, stop yelling Chanyeol is taking seriously the question that Baekhyun asked" Kyungsoo said as he grabbed Chanyeol's hand.

"I don't know, but what I do know is that I have to beat him at fighting" Chanyeol said. "Do you even know how to fight?" Sehun asked as he raised an eyebrow, Kyungsoo looked at Chanyeol. "You need to be trained to fight your father who is stronger than you." Kyungsoo said and he was right Chanyeol didn't really know how to fight, especially someone who is stronger than him. "I need to find someone to teach me how to fight" Chanyeol said, "Perhaps I can be of an assistance" a voice said.

Everyone turned around to see a man with a nice suit was standing on the door way looking at them. Chanyeol widen his eyes at the man, "Junmyeon?" Chanyeol asked. "What you know him?" Jongdae asked as he looked at Chanyeol and at Junmyeon, "He's my father's servant. What are you doing here Junmyeon?" Chanyeol asked. "I'm here to help you. I know that your father tried to hurt Kyungsoo" Junmyeon said, "So you've known on what Chanyeol's father was planning all along?" Kyungsoo asked. Chanyeol then remembered his mother came yesterday.

"Have you told my mother about what my father was planning?" Chanyeol asked, Junmyeon gave out a nod. "I've told your mother everything for the last few years since I've been turned into a vampire, my duty was to tell your dear mother everything. But your father has other plans,this is just the beginning." Junmyeon said. "The beginning? So he has other plans?" Sehun asked, Junmyeon nodded. "Chanyeol's father has had an obsession for his son to be the most powerful vampire on earth. Chanyeol is powerful, is just that he was not trained to use his powers. At the age of 5 a child that is a mixure of vampire and fallen angel should drink blood from a food source. Chanyeol only dranked from blood bags from either donation or Baekhyun's magic when he was younger" Junmyeon explained.

Chanyeol was still very confused, "So you are saying that I'm still powerful even though I've never had a food source? What does this have to do with fighting with my father?" Chanyeol asked. Junmyeon raised an eyebrow, "I'm saying that the only way you can beat your father is to drink from a food source, it will make you much more powerful that your father" Junmyeon said. Chanyeol shook his head, "No! There will be no way I can drink from a food source, never!" Chanyeol said, "It's not about what you want. If you care for Kyungsoo you should agree, cause your father is coming after you and Kyungsoo" Junmyeon said.

Chanyeol looked at Kyungsoo, both staring into each other's eyes. He didn't want to see Kyungsoo getting hurt again, but he didn't want to drink blood from a source. Chanyeol thought for a minute and had no other but to give an answer. "I drink from a food source" Chanyeol answered, Kyungsoo looked at Chanyeol and smiled. "But what source is better for him?" Kyungsoo asked, "Human blood would be better for him, but we need someone who is willing to let Chanyeol get the blood" Junmyeon said.

"I'll let Chanyeol get my blood" Kyungsoo said as he sounded so full of courage, Chanyeol looked at Kyungsoo in shock. "Kyungsoo you don't have too. I can look for someone else" Chanyeol said, Kyungsoo shook his head. "You promised me that if you ever needed blood I was going to give you my blood. Now you can't break that promise" Kyungsoo said, "Alright so Kyungsoo is going to be your source, you can feed when you start to feel hungry" Junmyeon said. "Wait when are you going to teach me to fight?" Chanyeol asked, Junmyeon smiled "Starting tomorrow" he said. "Let's just hope that Chanyeol doesn't brake something" Baekhyun said to Jongdae.

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