40:You are my savior

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Junmyeon ran and in less than 3 minutes he stopped infront of a beautiful house, the lights were off which meant that no one was there. "Looks like she is still not here" Junmyeon said to himself, he looked around the neighborhood to see if Choon-hee would appear. "Why did I even come here? It's been so long since she hasn't seen me. Who knows probably she likes someone or maybe she's in a relation with someone yet I never knew?!" Junmyeon mumbled to himself as he was having second thoughts. 

"It looks like you still have feelings for that human don't you Junmyeon?" a voice asked, Junmyeon widen his eyes and looked to see who it was. "S-Sir!" Junmyeon stuttered as he saw it was Chanyeol's father, "You still call me 'Sir' even after you have betrayed me?" he said as he was walking towards Junmyeon. "What are you doing here?" Junmyeon asked as he tried to maintain his tone in a calmly matter, Chanyeol's father just flashed an evil smile. "We can stop talking like a boss and servant relation" he said.

Junmyeon just stared at him, "So do you want me to call you by your name Jaewook?" Junmyeon asked. "I find that name rather better than sir, Junmyeon" Chanyeol's father Jaewook said. "You still haven't answered my question, what are you doing here?" Junmyeon asked again, "I came here to teach you a valuable lesson" Jaewook said as he grabbed something from his pocket. Junmyeon saw a long sharp silver pocket knife, "What are you going to do?" Junmyeon asked. Jaewook didn't answer and ran towards Junmyeon.

"AAHH!" Junmyeon screamed as he felt sharp pain on his abdomen, Jaewook had stabbed Junmyeon with his knife. Jaewook pulled the knife out and looked at a wounded Junmyeon, "Don't worry, it will heal in a few hours if you get the right treatment. If you just leave it like that you'll bleed more and you are out of this life of living" Jaewook said as he gave an evil smirk and ran away. "How I'm I going to get he-- AAHH!" Junmyeon yelped in pain as he was still losing blood, "Excuse me are you ok?" a voice asked.

Junmyeon looked to see a beautiful young lady asking if he is okay. "Ch--Choon-hee?" Junmyeon whispered, "Junmyeon? Oh Gosh Junmyeon what happened to you?!" Choon-hee said as she saw Junmyeon's wound. "It's okay, nothing serious?" Junmyeon tried to smile but yelped in pain as he finished his sentence, Choon-hee grabbed Junmyeon by the arm and put it around her neck so he could stand up. "You are lucky that I'm a doctor and was able to help you" Choon-hee said as she and Junmyeon walked to her house.

Choon-hee sat Junmyeon down on her couch and ran upstairs to get the first aid kit. "Pull up your shirt" Choon-hee said, "What? Why? No, I'm okay really" Junmyeon said. "Stubborn as always, I need to treat that wound Junmyeon, just pull up your shirt a bit" Choon-hee ordered, Junmyeon didn't want to but he had to. Junmyeon slightly pulled up his shirt revealing a small hole with little blood flowing, Choon-hee grabbed towels to wipe out the blood and some cottons with a bit of alcohol.

"Does it sting?" Choon-hee asked, Junmyeon shook his head. A few minutes later Choon-hee put a bandage on Junmyeon's wound and threw the bloody cottons in the trash. "Do you want something to eat or drink?" Choon-hee asked, "No, I'm fine thank you" Junmyeon replied. Choon-hee sat down next to Junmyeon, "It's been a few years since we have seen each other after that horrible incident" Choon-hee began. "I never saw you since then until now" Choon-hee said, "Please tell me what happened to you?" Choon-hee exclaimed.

Junmyeon hesitated at first but looked at Choon-hee, "I'll tell you but please promise me that after hearing this you won't run away from me" Junmyeon explained, Choon-hee nodded. "So you know how the incident started right, when the gas tank exploded" Junmyeon asked, Choon-hee nodded. "When the gas tank exploded, there were a bunch of flames and smoke everywhere. I could barely see anything and I tried to look for my parents. My parent were breathing from a wet towel so they wouldn't breath in the smoke."

"But then they couldn't deal with it anymore and gave up. They died leaving me alone. So I ran and ran not knowing where I was going, the flames touched my arm leaving a very painful burn. I ran outside the back door of the building and ran. I finallly stopped running and realised that I was lost in the middle of the woods. I layed down resting my body from all those burns and from all that running. Then Jaewook appeared and asked me 'Do you still want to live?' I nodded not knowing who he was, he said, 'If you want to live, I'll transform you into one of me, as a vampire' and then bit me and lost my conciousness." Junmyeon said.

Choon-hee couldn't believe all this story, "I know that right now you are in shock now knowing that now the Junmyeon that you use to know is a vampire. Yet I'm glad that you saved me today, you are my savior" Junmyeon said. "I'm glad to help, besides I don't care if you are a vampire. I just wanted to tell you something that I've always wanted to tell you" Choon-hee said as she avoided his gaze. "What is it?" Junmyeon said, Choon-hee looked at Junmyeon straight in the eyes. "I love you Junmyeon, now that I saw you again you made me feel in love all over again not caring if you are a vampire" Choon-hee said.

Junmyeon was happy to hear those words, Junmyeon got a hold of Choon-hee's hand and with his free hand touched her face. "I love you too, Choon-hee." Junmyeon said, Choon-hee smiled and got a hold of Junmyeon's face and drew his face closer to her's leaving no distance between them as they give each other a loving kiss. They parted and looked at each other's eyes, "So do you want to be my girlfriend?" Junmyeon asked, "Of course silly, I've been waiting for this day" Choon-hee said as she gave Junmyeon a light hug not wanting to hurt his wound, he smiled hugging her back, 'This is the happiest day of my life' Junmyeon said to himself as he was happy to be with the person he always loved.


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