9:Cold Sweat

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"I have to protect him. I must protect him!" Chanyeol thought to himself as he saw Kyungsoo getting beaten up by  2 demons. Chanyeol saw Kyungsoo's tears running down his cheek as he tried to protect his head from getting hit, Chanyeol's blood boiled in rage as he saw Kyungsoo getting beaten up. His fangs pierced through his gums and his eyes turn a pale blue, his wings started to grow and started flying towards the 2 demons. "LEAVE HIM ALONE!!!" Chanyeol growled as he flew towards them and started punching them.

The demons were going to fight back but Chanyeol looked tough, his wings wide open made him look frighetend, and showing his fangs with those pale eyes full of anger. The demons ran away not wanting to fight Chanyeol, Chanyeol turned around to see Kyungsoo still crying thinking that the demons will still beat him up. Chanyeol kneeled down hugging Kyungsoo, "They're going to beat me up again!! They're going to come back!!" Kyungsoo would say as he hugged Chanyeol. Chanyeol felt Kyungsoo shaking due to fear, "I'm here to protect you." Chanyeol would say.

"Chanyeol! Chanyeol!! CHANYEOL!!" someone yelled, Chanyeol started to open his eyes slowly. He could see the light of the sun hitting the roof and the walls of the dorm, Chanyeol had to blink a lot of times so he could focus. "Wake up Chanyeol" the same voice said, Chanyeol looked at the person and saw it was Kyungsoo, Chanyeol sat up and scaned Kyungsoo head to toe checking if he was ok. "What were you dreaming about?" Kyungsoo asked, Chanyeol looked at Kyungsoo, "Nothing why?" Chanyeol lied.

"Cause you kept repeating the same phrase, 'Leave him alone'. And also because you have cold sweat" Kyungsoo said, Chanyeol didn't know how to tell Kyungsoo about his dream, but decided not to tell him anything. "Just had a bad dream, that's all." Chanyeol said as he got up and went to the bathroom to take a shower, "Well that was weird" Kyungsoo mumbled quietly. Kyungsoo put some new fresh clean clothes and heared a knock at the door, Kyungsoo opened the door to reveal a happy Sehun.

"Hey hyung are you ready?" Sehun said with a wide smile on his face, "Yeah....." Kyungsoo said. Kyungsoo decided to write something on a sticky note so that Chanyeol could read it, Kyungsoo grabbed his bag and went out of the dorm. "Why are you so happy today? "Kyungsoo asked as the smile on Sehun's face hasn't disappeared, "I'm just happy" Sehun said. Jongdae and Baekhyun got to of their dorm and saw Kyungsoo and Sehun, "Hey Kyungsoo! Hey Sehun!" Jongdae said, Sehun waved happily and continued walking. 

"What's wrong with him?" Jongdae asked as he Kyungsoo, Kyungsoo shrugged. "I know why he's happy" Baekhyun said, both Jongdae and Kyungsoo looked at Baekhyun, "Why? Tell us" Jongdae said. "He's happy cause Jongin asked Sehun out" Baekhyun said. "WHAT WHEN DID THIS HAPPEN?!" Jongdae said in shock, Kyungsoo's jaw hanged open at the sudden news, "Just yesterday, don't you guys remembered when Jongin needed to talk to Sehun?" Baekhyun asked. "Now everything makes scense" Kyungsoo said, Baekhyun nodded and the 3 of them walked to the cafeteria for breakfast.

Chanyeol got out of the bathroom after a really nice warm shower. He felt relieved that he didn't had any cold sweats and now he felt clean. Chanyeol looked to see if Kyungsoo was around, instead he found a little sticky note on the desk, Chanyeol read the note and smiled. 

        I'm going to eat breakfast with Sehun and Jongdae. Don't waste the warm water.

                                                     - Do Kyungsoo

Chanyeol dressed up and headed to breakfast. At the cafeteria Chanyeol saw Kyungsoo with Baekhyun, Sehun and Jongdae, Kyungsoo noticed Chanyeol just standing there doing nothing. "Chanyeol come here" Kyungsoo said as he yelled to Chanyeol, Chanyeol obeyed and sat down to Kyungsoo. "Baekhyun you know my breakfast" Chanyeol said, Baekhyun rolled his eyes and a cup appeared in front of Chanyeol. "Whoa! What's that?" Jongdae asked, "Blood" Chanyeol said as he drinked the cup of blood.

"Eww!" Jongdae said as he got grossed out, Chanyeol laughed at the look on Jongdae's face. "What are you guys doing? "Jongin said as he sat next to Sehun, "Nothing" Kyungsoo said. "So I heard that Sehun and you are dating" Jongdae said as he looked at Jongin, "Yeah we are" Jongin said as he put his arm around Sehun's shoulders. "Sehun has grown so much!" Jongdae said as he hugged Sehun and pretended to cry, Baekhyun started to laugh. "You act as if you were Sehun's mother Jongdae" Baekhyun said, the bell rang which meant it was time to go to class. They left the cafeteria and headed towards their classes.

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