3: "You're an asshole."

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Here's chapter 3, I hope you like it because there's a lot of Rey/Niall interaction :)

Also, if you want to look at the outfits and you have an iPhone (I only know how to read links on iOS), all you have to do is select the link, click Define, and then click on 'Search Web' at the bottom :) hope it helped !

Don't forget to read the end notes!


Rey's POV

When Perrie and I sit down in the bleachers, still dressed in our uniforms to watch the guys during tryouts, I'm still in shock.

First of all, because she's fucking Niall fucking Horan, and second of all, because she told me that his dick is big and he's really good in bed.

I can't wrap my head around the situation, and I'm going insane because of how much I want to tell Jake or Jed or Sophia. Which, by the way, where is she?

I text her, asking her where she is, and she replies within seconds, telling me that she'll be in the bleachers in a few minutes. I don't bother asking her what she's doing, and instead I concentrate on anything else but the fact that Perrie and Niall had sex. Wait, no. The fact that Perrie and Niall are having sex.

The football players come out on the field a few minutes later, just as Sophia sits down next to me with a smile on her face.

"Why are you so smiley about?" I ask her when I see the giant grin on her face.

"Nothing important. But Liam Payne just said hi to me as I was walking towards you and we chatted about tryouts a bit. He's so fit Rey, I swear."

She takes one look at me, before she frowns. She knows I'm not being myself right now.

"What are you so grumpy about?" she asks, mocking my question earlier.

"Well, I just got some terrible news."

Her face falls, and I know she's probably thinking that something happened to someone in my family.

"What is it? Oh my God, it's serious."

"Yeah, it is." I say in a grave voice. "You should sit down."

Sophia looks at me weirdly. "I am."

"Okay. Well, Perrie just told me that she's been having sex with Niall ever since summer started. And I just can't-" I stop, trying to stop myself from throwing up all over her.

Sophia visibly relaxes. "Are you fuckin' mental? I honestly thought something tragic happened."

"It is fucking tragic! Sophia, a friend of my had Niall Horan insert his dick-"

"Ew, no. Stop. Look, it's their problem, not yours. Honestly, why are you so bothered? Are you jealous or something?" she asks, crossing her arms over her chest.

"What? No! How can you possibly think that?" I gasp, placing a hand over my chest. I've never felt so betrayed in my entire life.

"Then why are you so bothered about it?"

"Because...it's Niall Horan. I mean...I expected Perrie to have higher standards and all." I trail off, looking back to the football field. "Nevermind. Let's just drop the subject."

She nods in agreement, and then we watch the senior football players (aka Niall, Jed, Louis, and Liam), tell the new guys what to do while their coach is watching.

I'm excited that Jason wants to tryout for the team, as well as Jake, because my brother has always loved playing and he's never been able to, because the last school he's been to only had lacrosse as an option.

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