23:"Just friends."

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Here's a new chapter ! Hope you like it ;)

I already have chapter 24 written but I will post it on Friday because tomorrow is going to be a really busy day, and then nothing for the next two weeks because I am going on holiday! But the two months or weekly chapters have been done, just as I promised :)

There's no picture today because I don't want to give away anything, but there's a video for you to watch until Friday, when the new chapter comes out! It will give you Teenage Dirtbag feels <3

Happy reading! And don't forget to comment throughout the story to let me know what you think x


Previously on chapter 22:

"I can give you some of Lilly's sneakers if you want." Niall suggests and I look at Zoe, who seems to be okay with it.

What did Niall tell her to calm her down?

I'm too drunk to care. Too high to care.

"Okay." I say.

"Be back in five minutes." Niall tells her and kisses her cheek.

"Don't be too long." Bryan says and places a kiss on my lips, which leaves me kind of dumbstruck, because I can't even react to it. As we make our way to the door, I see Jason and Lilly in the living room talking to Zayn, so I'm relieved to know that we won't be walking in on anyone.

I grab my heels from the corner I threw them in, and follow Niall out of the house, closing the door behind us.

"Put them on." Niall says and I shake my head, telling him that I can't do that.

"Shit Rey, put them on. You can't walk like that. It's cold."

He's kind of slurring his words and I am too, but I shake my head again.

He sighs and turns around to run a hand through his hair.

I see the opportunity and jump on his back, wrapping my legs tightly around his body. He grips into my thighs and begins to walk towards his house.

"Niall." I whisper into his ear as he walks.

"What?" he asks, his grip on my thighs tightening.

"I need to tell you a secret." I whisper.


"I'm dizzy."

He doesn't say anything, because we reach his house. He unlocks it before he lets me down and waits for me to go in first.

"I love your house." I say, letting my heels fall on the ground.

"Why? It's small." He says.

"I know. I love it. It's cozy." I say and when I don't see any shoes of Lilly's at the door, I decide to walk upstairs and find some.

I look through her closet and find some Converse in my size, which I put on. Then I decide that it would be a good idea to walk into Niall's room and check out his shoes collection.

He comes into his room after some time, to find me kneeling down in front of his closet, analyzing his shoes.

"What are you doing?"

"I like your shoes. I like Vans. I like boys in Vans."

"A lot of boys wear Vans." He says, leaning against the doorframe.

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