6: "You're an idiot, you know that, right?"

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Thank you so much for the wait :) I think you're reaaally like this chapter ;)

p.s. I didn't get the time to proof read it, so sorry if there are any mistakes

Let me know what you thought about this chapter by leaving comments throughout the story :)

Happy reading x


Rey's POV

"Do you mind if I drop something off at home?" the driver, Maura, asks while we're at a stop sign, waiting for it to turn green. "My daughter left her project in the car, and I won't be home until tomorrow."

I gulp, and then nod, but then remember that it's dark in the car, so I confirm verbally.

"I will end the trip once we get to my house and then drop you off at home okay? So it won't charge you double the trip."

"Uh, it's fine. It's fine. I don't mind." I tell her and lean back against the seat, and then close my eyes until we stop again.

When I open them again, we're in front of a white brick building that was apparently an apartment building. It looked like it hadn't been renewed for decades, with the paint coming off and the crooked fence.

Maura stops the car in front of it and gets out, telling me that she'll be back in a minute.

I take that time to closely look at the building, and find myself not even judging Niall for living here, as I'd normally do.

Maura comes back one minute later, and apologizes. I wave it off and she starts the car once again, before she drives off.

I get home fifteen minutes later, and I thank her for the ride before I exit the car. My house is silent, probably because my parents are out, apparently.

As I remove my makeup ten minutes later and slip into my pyjamas, the "kiss" with Niall comes back to me. I wonder whether it counts as cheating, and it probably doesn't, because our lips barely touch.

But then I remember the shiver that ran down my spine, and maybe, just maybe, that could be considered cheating.

I fall asleep feeling guilty that night, wondering how I'd tell Jed about it.


I get up the next day feeling a bit hungover. The house is still silent as it was when I came home last night, but I don't question it. My parents have a habit of not telling us when they go out or coming back, so I just get out of bed and walk over to the bathroom.

When I come out, my phone beeps, signaling that I have a new message. I'm surprised to see that it's from Niall.

Niall Horan: so what time today?

Then it downs on me: we talked about getting Harry and Louis together by "accidentally" meeting at the mall.

Rey: I have to text Harry, but around 5-6

Niall Horan: okay

Niall Horan: I already talked to Louis so we'll see you there

I send a text to Harry, after contemplating whether it will be awkward seeing Niall after last night. But he didn't seem awkward in the texts, so I guess it's okay.

Rey: hey, want to go to the mall today?

If I'd texted him a few weeks ago it would've been weird, but we've gotten along quite well since we started laughing together at parties and he even suggested going out sometime, in a friendly way.

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