13: "Did you lose your finger in Zoe's vagina last night?"

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I am sorry you had to wait so long, but I was busy with settling in in Berlin, but I finally finished the chapter !

Happy reading :)

Also, I am doing this new thing where if you tweet me your favorite quote of each chapter I put up from now on I will choose my favorite quote and/or reaction to it :) Not only will I give you a shoutout but I will also introduce a small character with your name into the story ! My favorite will be announced 24 hours after the chapter is posted

p.s. Please check out the notes at the end of the chapter and answer my questions x


Previously on chapter 12:

My phone has been ringing for the past ten minutes, which lets me know that I'm late to the meeting in front of the school. It's the fifteenth, and that means that it's the Holy Thursday. Or as normal people call it, the day we leave for France.

I arrive at the school fifteen minutes late, and people are already climbing into buses and putting their luggage away.

"Dear Lord, did you bring your whole house?" Sophia asks when she sees my suitcase.

"No, just the essentials." I say, struggling as I try to lift up my suitcase to place it in the compartment under the bus.

"Well, you better have packed something you look bomb as fuck in, because Niall's here. And he's brought his new girlfriend along."


Sophia nods to the left, so I glance in that direction.

A brunette girl wearing an expensive fur coat (almost the same as mine) is smoking while she laughs (a bit too much) at something Niall just said.

"Oh. That's great." I say, fake smiling, before my eyes fall to her shoes. "Are those..."

"Yes. From new winter line."

"But...Balmain has been sold out for days!"

"Apparently her dad is a big executive at New York Fashion Week, and she gets all the good stuff early."

"How do you know all this?"

"Jake of course."

I shake my head and make my way towards the bus, trying as hard as I cannot to let my jealousy show.

I don't know whether I'm jealous of her clothes or of who she's dating, but I know that the next four days are going to be long as fuck.


Rey's POV

Sophia, Jake, and I sit in the back of the bus together, of course. The three of us have always been that group that sits in the back of the bus and annoys everyone. Louis and Liam are sitting in front of us on the right, while Zayn sits in front of us on the left, alone.

"It's like he forgot all about us." Louis mumbles, motioning over to Niall, who's sitting together with Zoe a few rows in front of us.

The bus ride to the airport isn't that long, but it's still enough for me to roll my eyes at least a hundred times at Zoe's obnoxious laugh.

"I've known about her way before Niall." Louis continues, turning on his seat to face us. "She's Zoe Pinault. Her dad is Francois Pinault's brother."

"Dear Lord, he's rich as fuck." Jake breathes.

I roll my eyes for the sixtieth time. Forty more times to go.

"But how...and why?" Sophia asks, knowing that that's what I want to ask but I don't want to seem interested.

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