30: "I'm neither affectionate nor romantic."

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Hiii guys! This is the new chapter and I'm pretty happy about it :) As you know, I've asked you on Twitter how long the book should be and it was about 50/50 on keeping it with 50 chapters or posting a second part. I'm still not sure about what I'm going to do, but I'll probably write a second part because I can't make it available to buy if it's so long.

Happy reading, and don't forget to comment throughout the stories because I read ALL the comments and take notes x


Previously on chapter 29:

He licks his lips and nods. "Happy birthday."

I smirk, looking into his eyes. "I still don't believe you didn't do any drugs."

"Yeah?" he asks, not impressed.

"Yeah." I say daringly as I stand up on my tiptoes and cock my head just to mock him. "You took drugs and gave me shit about it."

"Can I tell you something?" he asks and leans his head closer so our noses are touching. He smells like alcohol and his eyes are red from the weed, pupils completely blown so his eyes are almost black.

"What?" I whisper, completely breathless because he's incredibly close.

"Your pupils are also dilated, which means you are still high."

I scrunch my nose. "But you always do drugs."

"Not anymore." He tells me and I lick my lips.


"Because you're the only drug I wanna do."

My heart is beating so fast it feels like it's going to burst out of my chest.

"So, you know that you were technically my Valentine today." I say.

He crosses his arms and leans against the wall. "Oh really. What about Zayn."

"Zayn is...I don't know. Doesn't matter now. You were my official Valentine this year and the day isn't over yet, so I expect even more from you today. You know, since it's my birthday as well and all."

"I don't think so."

My face falls. "You don't want to?"

I can't really process anything since he's close and I'm drunk. And high.

"No, it's not that. It's just...I think you deserve someone better."

I bite my lip. I want to yell in his face that I'm in love with him, but I don't.

"Well, maybe I do deserve someone else." I start and he looks sad. "But I want you."

"You sure?" he asks. "Even after I called you annoying and all that?"

I push at his chest, laughing. "Fuck you. I'm going to go sleep now. See you in a few hours."

I start walking back towards my door.

"Hey, you didn't give me back my jacket." He says and I turn to look at him.

"I'm keeping it for now. Looks better on me anyway." I tell him and flip him off before I disappear inside my room.


Rey's POV

My alarm goes off at nine thirty sharp, barely five hours after I've gone to sleep. But no, today is no ordinary day. Today I'm going to fucking Disneyland.

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