32: "I can fucking smell you. Go away."

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I knooooooow this took SOOOO long but I had Uni, holidays, etc etc and I am SO happy it's finally here!! This chapter is over 6300 words long so I hope it makes up :D

Happy new year everyone! This year is going to be amazing for all of us, I'm sure! And it's going to be filled with Reyall, as long as you guys still like and enjoy reading the stories x

Btw, did everyone get the notification for the chapter?

Please, as usual, don't forget to leave comments throughout the story because I always read ALL of them and also, the questions at the end :)

Finally, after a long time, happy reading !


Previously on chapter 31:

Someone grabs my arm and I turn my head to see Louis standing there.

"Wanna go out for a smoke?" he asks and I nod, even though I was literally out there ten minutes ago.

I follow him outside because he leads me by holding my hand, and as soon as my eyes fall on Niall and Harry by the brick wall, I shake my head.

"What's this about?" I ask.

"Here's the thing, since I'm getting too fed up with your bullshit." Louis starts and places his hand on Niall's shoulder. "He wrote a song about you and she thinks you say you love Zoe that night at the ball. That's basically it."

"What he said." Harry says and steps back.

"If you can't figure it out yourselves, then someone's gotta do it." Louis adds and points at me. "You, stop being oblivious and stupid."

I watch them walk off, and once again, we're left alone.

There's tension in the air. I decide to break it.

"The song's about me." I state, unsure.

Niall licks his lips and slightly nods. "What do I have to do to make you believe it's all for you and me?"

I take a deep breath. My stomach is going crazy and I just can't.

"It's just...I don't think so. I mean, you're-Niall. You don't do shit like that. You fuck around, it's what you do. How can you expect me to believe that you wrote a fucking song about me when you literally fucked another girl on my birthday, right after you said I'm your valentine? It's not fair. And don't try to pull that shit on me where you say that you thought about me when you had sex with her, because it's a load of crap."

"I think about you so often, you have no fucking idea." He tells me and I shake my head.

"Yeah, well you weren't 'thinking about me' when you brought that girl back, did you now?" I say, making quotation marks with my fingers.

"I didn't fuck her." He tells me and grabs my hands with his to stop me from waving them all over the place.

"You're lying right to my face again!" I exclaim and he lets out a frustrated groan. "Good argument Niall."

"I never lied to you about anything. Ever." Niall says, looking into my eyes. "I've told you."

"Told me what? You don't tell me shit."

My eyes are watering up now and I hate him. I hate him because he makes me feel shit I don't want to feel, I hate him because he can get me to cry with just a few words, I hate him because I love him.

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