10: "Don't flatter yourself."

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Thank you so much for the comments on the last chapter, I always enjoy reading them ! This is the third chapter this week, so I think it's a new record :) but you deserve it because you've waited four months while I was MIA.

Thank you so much for everything :) keep commenting, i always read and reply!

Oh, and fleanr, the polish translator, has started translating again but give her some time because I posted 3 chapters in a week, so it'll take her some time :) thank you so much for translating, fleanr

Happy reading :)

p.s. Please check out the notes at the end of the chapter and answer my questions x


Rey's POV

My parents arrive ten minutes later at the hospital. My mother is dressed in her long nightgown, which means she's really alarmed and worried. My father has jeans on, and I haven't seen him in casual clothes since I was really young.

"What's going on?" my mother asks. "What's this talk about an oncologist? What the actual-"

An oncologist? No.

My heart sinks.

"Good morning Mr. Parker." The doctor says and shakes his hand. "I'm doctor Mitchel."

My father shakes his hand and proceeds to ask him what's going on, what happened. His eyes fall on Niall, who's sitting next to Jason, but he looks back at the doctor.

"As I was treating your son's bruises I ran a few blood tests, and I've detected the possibility that he might develop AML."

"What's AML?" I ask.

"Acute myelogenous leukemia."

My head spins. My heart stops.

"But it's not even stage one. It's really early, very early in fact. A week of treatment with blood transfusions and chemotherapy will make it go away for sure. I can't even say that he has it now, but the tests detected a few cells in his blood and we can treat it right away."

"I'll donate, I'm type 0." I say. "Anything, please just make him be okay."

Jason looks weird, like he can't process what just happened.

"He'll be just fine if he comes in starting Monday and then on Wednesday and then again on Friday. As I said before, he's not even stage one, but an hour of chemotherapy will make sure he doesn't develop any type of cancer in the future. Let me ask you, Mr. Parker, do you have history of cancer in your family?"

"Yes. My grandmother had leukemia and died of it when she was seventy years old. No one else."

"Alright. That might explain it. I already made an appointment, so I expect to see him on Monday at seven in the evening. But I do suggest you get your daughter tested as well." He says, looking at me.

As it turns out, I don't have any cancer cells in my body, which I'm grateful for. And as I expected, my mother still wants us to attend the gala because 'she promised' to attend with her whole family.

We dropped Niall off at home and then headed towards our own house in a long, unbearable silence.


Niall: so we're still going?

Rey: my mother is fucked up

I'm on my back on the bed, texting with Niall (yeah, it's actually happening) about what happened yesterday and about what's gonna happen tonight. I send him a voice message instead, because I'm way too lazy to type right now.

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