31: "You're always trying to start a fight."

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Thank you so much for your patience, and I've got some big news coming next chapter!

Happy reading, and don't forget to comment and read the ends notes :D


Previously on chapter 30:

"I heard you agreed to go on a date with Zayn." He tells me and it takes me by surprise.

"Uh, yeah. I mean...I don't know. I heard what you told Zoe that night when you got really drunk and she told you she loved you."

His eyes widen. "Where did you hear that."

"Lilly told me."

"Fucking hell...and...what do you think about it?"

"I think it was a really bad idea and that you shouldn't have said that."

His face falls. So he doesn't like to hear other people telling him off huh?

"Why shouldn't I have said that?"

"Because you're a liar, obviously."

"No I'm not. I didn't lie when I said that." He says, crossing his arms.

It hurts. "Yeah, I know."

"So what's the problem then?"

"Nevermind, forget I said anything." I say and light up my cigarette at the same time he puts his out.

He goes towards the door. "Look, I was honest and I meant what I said. But apparently I shouldn't have. Thanks for letting me know how you feel about the situation. I'll never say anything to you ever again. Have fun with Zayn."

I watch the door close behind him and dryly swallow. And to think I had some hope for the two of us after tonight.


Rey's POV

I finish my cigarette five minutes later and dread going back inside, so I stay outside for a little longer. Just as I'm about to go in, Louis comes outside, followed by Luke, so I decide to wait outside with them as they finish their cigarettes.

"So what did Niall do?" Louis asks, lighting up his cigarette.

"What? When? Just now?"

"No, when the two of you stayed at Disneyland and we left."

"Oh. Yeah, he did a whole Notebook thing, with references and everything."

Louis' eyes widen. "Oh really? Wow, I didn't think he'd actually go through with it."

"So it was all his idea?" I ask him.

Louis nods. "Yeah. Did you like it?"

I nod. "Yeah..."

Of course I fucking liked it. I absolutely loved it. But the past fifteen minutes broke my fucking heart.

"What's wrong?" Luke speaks out this time.

"We...kind of had a fight."

Louis lets out an exasperated sigh. "What the actual fuck Renee. How come that things can never run smoothly with you two?"

I shrug. "I just...you both know we were like, doing stuff when he was with Zoe, and I felt guilty, but he always reassured me that there was nothing there. Like, he didn't feel anything for her."

The two of them nod, so I continue.

"And then I hear that he got drunk and told Zoe he loves her at the springtime ball. Which means he's been lying. And he always says that he's this big, tough guy who doesn't feel and stuff, and yet he felt something for her and just used me for sex when it was convenient."

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