4: "Do you always scream when you wake up?"

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Soooo sorry for the almost 2 month delay! But I'm in my last year of Uni and I have SO many assignments and work and everything is just so hectic that I literally can't find a moment to write, even though I desperately want to. Thankfully though, I had some time this Thanksgiving, and managed to finish this chapter, and also start on the next one :)

I hope I didn't get everyone mad, and I also hope you haven't given up on this story yet, because it's just getting interested ;)

p.s. I didn't get the time to proof read it, so sorry if there are any mistakes

Let me know what you thought about this chapter by leaving comments throughout the story :)

Happy reading !


Rey's POV

I wake up the next morning with a pounding head and a dry mouth. The first thing I see is an unfamiliar ceiling, which means I'm not at a friend's house.

I vaguely remember attending Niall's eighteenth birthday party at Liam's house, and after my eighth shot, everything is blurry. The only flashbacks I have are accompanied by an Irish accent.

The next thing I notice, is the fact that someone is softly snoring next to me, and when I turn my head, I scream.

Niall mumbles something before he opens his eyes, just a few inches away from me.

I sit up and look at myself, and then loudly sigh in relief when I see that I'm dressed, and so is he.

"Do you always scream when you wake up?" he asks, obviously deranged by my outburst.

"Why the fuck am I in bed with you? Where is everyone? What happened?"

He sits up as well, and then moves further away from me. "Well, you were so pissed last night you passed out."

"And you just magically happened to be here?" I question.

"No, I helped you up the stairs and you wouldn't let go of the railing. You also wanted to throw up but didn't."

"Oh shit. Did I say anything I shouldn't have?"

He shakes his head, and then runs a hand through his hair. "Just the fact that Sophia wants to fuck Liam, but you made me pinky promise not to say anything."

I get out of bed and gather my shoes from the floor. God knows how those got there.

"And you better not say anything." I warn him as I walk to the door once I make sure I have my phone.

"I always keep my pinky promises." He sarcastically says, but something tells me he won't say anything to Liam.

"Well, I'm going to find my friends now. Take care." I awkwardly say before I unlock the door and step out of the room. I immediately hear Jake's familiar's voice from downstairs, so I walk towards it while trying not to die from the hangover.

Jake, Sophia, Jason, and Jed are all in the living room drinking coffee and having a cigarette, together with Zayn and Liam.

"Rise and shine your drunkenness." Jake says, which makes everyone laugh.

"Ha ha. Not funny." I say and sit down next to my boyfriend. "I just woke up next to Niall Horan, image that."

"Yeah, you two were pretty drunk last night." Jed laughs and I punch him in the arm.

"I thought Niall went home with Raylynn. His sister did, at least." Liam tells me.

"His sister went home with Raylynn?" I ask, confused.

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